and Environment

respect of the alternative and renewable energy and the environment. The
X-Prize Foundation, most generally well-known for its space exploration challenges,
has launched an innovative generation of competitions that they expect will
have a universal impact and encourages a positive influence on global warming
and development toward clean, green, renewable energy. $100 million will be
awarded to prize conception that promotes a planet where energy or power is no
longer a source of conflict and pollution, such that energy will in the future
be affordable, inexpensive, and plentiful, clean and renewable, and used
efficiently, fairly and equitably.

project will begin with a nine-month process to select the best prize target
and objectives. In this regard, the first two prizes have been determined: The
Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize, which looks for to motivate
ultra-efficient passenger vehicles; and The Biofuels X Prize, which seeks to
produce next-generation, decentralized, sustainable liquid transportation
fuels. Additional prize aim will be selected as part of the Energy X Prize
Suite from areas, for instance, carbon capture, solar, water, sustainable
housing, and other sorts of interest.