Early Return of Kids to School after illness Helpful in recovery 

A new study has found that sending children with brain injuries
or certain brain complications to school early and instructing them to do
normal daily activities can help them recover faster. 

It is generally believed that giving sick children enough rest will
make them recover quickly and completely, but in some diseases and
complications, giving children too much rest can be harmful. 

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A Canadian study on the health of children with head injuries,
including mental health problems, found that the sooner children are sent to
school, the faster they recover. 

According to the research published in the medical journal ‘JAMA Network Open‘, experts studied 1630 children who came to 9 different emergency
wards in Canada. 

The children in the study ranged in age from 5 to 18 and went to
the hospital for treatment of trauma, including head injuries, brain problems, and complications. 

All the children had no physical disability or weakness, nor did
they have any other disease, but they were traumatized and mentally disturbed. 

Some of the children in the study stayed at home for several
days after developing medical problems and were away from daily routines,
including other educational activities. 

While some children were instructed by their parents to go to
school after a few days of rest and asked to participate in other
activities as well. The study found that when the children started going to
school a few days after going to the hospital and resumed their normal
activities, including academic activities, they recovered quickly. 

In contrast, children who rested at home for longer days, and
especially children above the age of 13, remained sick for several days, but
some children’s problems became more severe. 

The study found that after a few days of illness, children who
started normal activities and went to school had better symptoms, while
children who did not go to school continued to feel sick for a long time. 

Experts said that by going to school and starting daily
activities normally, children are protected from mental problems.