Windows 8 is going to be in the development stage and it will take enough time
to be completed precisely because it is going to be filled and packed with
features and applications that were not found or to be missing from Windows 7
and Vista. When you need to use and may just spend dollars on Windows 7 and when
you may not enjoy the window version 7, then you will possibly spend and enjoy
a new OS, when you will find the features and apps in window 8 then you will
certainly change your mind. First of all, this new OS from Microsoft Company is
going to be in direct competition with Apple because the Steve Job’s team to
improve its defective OS X Lion. Chief competitor Google is also improving its
Chrome OS in undersized but insignificant conduct. 

microsoft windows 8

Version Of Windows: 

Window version 8 certainly the key and major renewable version it will a key
differentiator will place Microsoft in ahead and advance of the pack. They just
don’t want to afford uncertainty situations on this one because, otherwise,
they will be left far behind in the business field of the computer software
world. For this very cause alone, we wish to purchase and spend our fine money
on (Windows 8) or vNext. The individuals at Microsoft are in very observance
about it because they understand that excessive advertisement and publicity can
prove critical to a new product. But we do be on familiar terms with that
window to be launched in the year of 2012. Steve Ballmer has already stated
that it is going to be the “riskiest product bet” from Microsoft; as
a result, it is going to be big. B.I.G. 

Window version 7 was the only alternative remedy for quickly created rather an
imperfect Vista. But the next latest version of their OS is going to be
innovative because the team at Microsoft Company has had a long time to achieve
something really good quality. While Windows version 7 was reasonably stable it
was merely an overhaul of old features. Microsoft Window version 8, on the
other hand, will have had an elongated and well-to-do incubation period a
suitable condition and therefore we should keep our limited expectations. 

Windows Store in Window version 8: 

similar to the App Store by Apple, the Microsoft Windows Store will be an
online software shop for all the applications you need to run your OS with
satisfaction. Windows Phone 7 already has the exposed frame of the future
Windows Store. 

Version 8 Face Recognition Technology: 

bugs ironed out, FRT (Face Recognition Technology) will come with a collection
of OS and you will be able to log into emails and your social networking sites
just by in front of your webcam. Leave-taking to passwords! Faster boot-up
times (less than 60 seconds) and 128-bit compatibility! Certainly incredible!