of World Tuberculosis Day:

Tuberculosis Day (also called World TB Day) starts on March 24, 1982. This special
day is celebrated on March 24 each year. World Tuberculosis Day is planned to
create community awareness about tuberculosis nowadays leftovers a deadly
disease in a lot of the world. More than 1.6 million people were causing death
for Tuberculosis every year. 


Tuberculosis Day in Pakistan:

World Tuberculosis Day, Women, men, and children who also suffered from TB; TB
patients; nurses; doctors; researchers; community workforce; social workers;
all participate in the international fight over Tuberculosis.

of World Tuberculosis Day in Pakistan:

special day for TB is celebrated with this purpose that all members of the
community will spread awareness about the disease about its symptoms,
treatment, and precautions. Media can play a major part in thiss way. People
can be aware of the help of TV, radio, and leading newspaper. Awareness is more
important for remote areas where communication facilities are less in number.
Conferences and seminars celebration from the government for the day, youth
march, and other activities to commemorate World TB day.

of Posters, badge, and key chains. Have you been coughing for two weeks of
more, sweating at night, losing weight, and appetite? If so, you should contact
to doctor for more information. The government has society health workers who
are there to hold up patients and make sure that they take and complete their
treatment. They need your hold up to be successful in preventing the spread of
TB in our communities. TB awareness walks arrangements.

the following to be physically healthy:

  • Eat
    loads of fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise
  • Stop
    taking alcohol
  • Stop
    taking drugs
  • Stop
  • Fresh


you have a complaint of coughing and sneezing then cover your mouth. Keeping
windows in houses, taxis, buses, as well as extra places open for fresh air.  Do not spitting on the ground. Not stopping
your TB treatment and medication even if you are feeling better than before.


  • My
    responsibility to educate me and educate and aware of others.
  • Let’s
    joined hands to stop TB.

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