parents know that the general existence of learning disabilities is
skyrocketing. Including other syndromes like ADHD, autism, and Asperser’s
syndrome, learning disabilities have unfortunately become a common thing in the
lives of our children, and our families.

generally thinking when most of us think about learning, we naturally think of
the sort of learning that occurs in school. The most widely discussed learning disability
is dyslexia – and morally justifiably so.

is the foundation for many other types of life learning, and most of all agree
that reading skills are necessary.

other types of learning challenges, equally important to a successful life,
they will soon gain greater recognition and intervention or occur in meantime. 

learning disabilities


let’s see at social learning problems, which include the realm of nonverbal
learning disorders. Social learning plays a critical role in helping children
manage fundamental milestones such as forming friendships with normal people,
making a positive impression on other people, and learning to read nonverbal
communication – body language. Because these learning skills may not directly
affect academic performance they are often seen as less than dyslexia and so

learning is every bit as necessary to healthy development as learning to read
or write or solve mathematical problems in the class. Which recognizes a key
link between dyslexia as well as social learning abilities?

turns out that phonological awareness – the ability to hear and discriminate
word sounds – is a common problem among socially challenged children. Besides,
can you imagine how much less social knowledge you might have if you weren’t a
reader? Think about it.

social learning problems or issues can be complex because their effects are
often spread throughout. Children with social learning problems need help and
assistance at home and school. Families that are most successful in helping a
kid overcome social learning problems collaborate carefully with schools. It’s
very significant for the child.

indicators of a social learning problem:

Limited Friendships

with social learning problems are that these children have fewer friends, they
may complain about the situation, or in some cases, they may try to conceal or
not to show publicly their hurt by diverting their focus toward more solitary
(living alone) pursuits.


social learning difficulty is hard sufficient, so far for certain children,
their awareness of the challenge makes life even further uncomfortable and apprehensive.
Look for signs that your child becomes excessively anxious around a group of
children. As a parent, we often try to coach children but this is a tall order
when a child is self-conscious about every word or manners.

Frequently Missed Social Cues or signal for action:

technical term for this problem is a pragmatic (practical) communication
deficit or lacking or dealing with matters according to their practical
significance or immediate importance. Features of pragmatic communication are deliberated
detailed in. Boys of few words for the reason that numerous children struggle
with skills similar precisely or correctly (reading) gestures besides facial
expressions. When you notice your kid misinterpret the body language of any
group of people relating to any, react out of all reasonable proportion to the
remark of another, otherwise fail to notice understandable nonverbal indications,
you are possibly seeing a requirement for better pragmatic communication

Problem of Sustaining Conversation

able to maintain a flow of conversation or fluent speaking appropriate to one’s
age is a basic social necessity for every child in the society. A child may be
very clever however still at a loss for words. Such a problem is exceeding
excessively by social anxiety – which may stem from the very problem of being a
poor communicator.

relationship highlights the reciprocal effect of communication and self-
confidence. Attainment of expressive skills improves self-confidence as well as


having friends is so important and fundamental to every child’s well-being, it
is normal for kids to be concerned about whether they have enough friends. Bear
in mind that while your child’s complaints may indeed reflect a problem and
raised this issue so far, children and growing up a child to man or woman with
social learning problems frequently take on the most awful, otherwise overstress
their social disappointments.

shouldn’t diminish the emotional impact of having too few friends, but
sometimes a little fact-checking with a child’s teacher can help standard
measurement or check the seriousness of the problem. Teachers and social
locality must help them in a better way. Teacher the precise instructor for
your youngster will have the time and the training required to work with
learning persons with disability students. This may be a wide-ranging otherwise
special education teacher, depending on the sternness of your teenager’s educational

6.  Suggestions:

you have concerns about your own child’s social development or are wondering if
one’s has a non-verbal learning disability, please don’t wait to seek
assistance from other people of your locality. Children with social learning difficulties
are further probable to feel isolated besides suffering from low self-confidence.
For the solution of your child problem, talk to your child’s school
psychologist or guidance counselor, or get a referral to a clinical
psychologist. When a teenager is sent to a speech pathologist, he or she will
be examined for the ability to speak as well as to understand the speech of other

If a
difficulty is known, the speech pathologist will suggest that he or she begin
speech therapy quickly since the sooner a learning disability is dealt with,
the stress-free it will be for children to make the transition to school. A social
skills group may be mainly cooperative to give your child a safe place
practice, social interaction in a helpful and positive atmosphere. To find one,
check with local psychologists, community and religious organizations, or your
child’s school.

good social abilities group will have a skilled facilitator, evidently
established aims, besides provide social learning in an amusing and communicating
method. Notice your child that which things do your child like, care about the
likeness and dislike ness of your kid after that your kid will be improving
gradually by doing so.