maintain, self-sufficient, sustainable, energy-independent living house stead
are possible with the help of renewable energy, for example, solar greenhouse,
PV panels, solar collectors, windmill, and solar thermal roofs are required for
this purpose. A DIY solar-heated greenhouse can provide food throughout the
year, and it is also useful for the seedling off (the process in which plants
raise by seed and not from cutting). So it is an excellent start for the
development of an organic garden.

MTD House

Canada, there is a Bob’s MTD, DIY solar heated greenhouse. He placed his system
on the south wall of the greenhouse; it’s a large vertically glazed with
sunlight. The MTD solar thermal roof with a measurement of a 6’×15′. Both the
system absorbs heat excessively in an excellent manner. The water normally and
gradually flow in the collectors from the top to down area, and accumulated in
the PVC drain at the bottom.

here, the water regulates systematically in various channels of heat storage
drums, which located inside the greenhouse. Tomato and pepper plants are set
aside in early starts inside the garden in the spring season.

Heiliger House

this is another example of Richard Heiliger. His homestead is situated in
Northern Utah USA State. When the temperature is falling to -20° F. He uses MTD
collectors to provide heat to his house in the winter. At this year, Richard can
obtain heat from the sunlight throughout the day, and when the snow falling is
stopped. He stored the heat in his collectors for consumption.

heat, which is stored in his 250-gallon tank, regrettably to say that it is
gone, so he turns for aid to burning wood. If draining of water from the
collectors continuously flows as soon as the pump shuts down then, freezing is
not a problem with the MTD system. Bob’s home in the long island there is he
has a water storage chamber with a Sun shed. The water inside in his chamber
never freezes.

January 09

the outside temperature was fell to -5° F and the stored water temperature is
50° F then in this situation it is quite obvious, that the heat is not stored
according to our requirements when the Sun shed is covered with snow, but
instead of this, the stored heat three 60-gallon drum was sufficient to cure the
products of paint. Farmers get benefited from the Sun heat, they used this
energy to grow wheat, corn and raise the production cows, chickens along with
different varieties of fruits and vegetables.

sustainable and independent living is benefited and achieved by the farmers who
know how to harvest, stored, and sell the energy which is obtained from the
sunlight energy. It is not necessary to become a farmer, but you need a little
determination to get an advantage from the sunlight. Lastly to say that, save
the world, save energy, save money, and earn reasonable money from the MTD
solar heating system so it is all up to all of you. Go for the GREEN!