government of Pakistan has introduced a new registration system for flood
victims. However, riots and chaos have happened in NADRA offices during the
distribution of watan cards, it is getting controversial for the government.
The reason for these riots is that the flood victims have a complaint that
their names were not figured among those who will receive these cards. There
was a corruption that may be in this scheme but this is suspicion but not a

watan card

scheme was established to compensate flood-affected people for damages suffered
as a result of the disaster that hit the country in the month of July. However,
poor people, who lost their homes and properties in this flood, claim their
names do not appear on the lists of those who are eligible for the card. The
flood victims will receive 20,000 RS, from the bank, so can they used this card
to fulfill their daily and basic requirements. These flood victims will get
cash in the form of an ATM Card. Nevertheless, the sums, which are receiving,
by the flood victims are not enough for them it is a worthless sum for them,
because when some 20 million people are returning to destroyed homes as they go
back to their villages. Most people have now gone home, but many of them face
miserable circumstances there. 

Distribution Card: 

has attempted to make more efficient the scheme and system, but people seek
more than efficiency and honesty also. These kinds of worst situations have
been seen in the province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. The government is ignoring the
flood-affected people in this province, it is clear evidence that this province
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa was highly hit and affected by the severe flood. Can there
be any further manifestation of a lack of ability? How can our leaders be so
unconcerned and indifferent to their own people? This sort of issue is not
merely a humanitarian one but it has very distinctive political contours. 


2008, when the government was elected, we have been hearing accusations of
corruption. The government has been ignoring the actual and basic issues of the
country, which are facing by the people of Pakistan, especially the common man.
The members of the parliament are accusing each other regarding corruption, it
is an evil and curse and the volume of corruption is kept growing. People of
Pakistan have been forced to face remarkable inflation. Even the poorest man
has not been safe, with the cost of kerosene-used by so many to light cooking
stoves. If the situation still continues now such a time will come that this
anger of the people will be changed in a great revolution. The government of
Pakistan must take serious action in this regard and must take such measures so
that the
watan card system and the scheme must be clean and clear and the card
must receive those people who are entitled to this Scheme. 

If any Flood Victim wants to register, please click the link below for more
information: NADRA-WATAN CARD.