the arrival of the summer season in the country’s so electricity crisis, load
has intensified as expected. There is a tough protest against without
warning power outages in numerous cities in Pakistan. However, the Government
of Pakistan is not taking this solemn matter seriously. In many cities in
Pakistan, the situation is looking increasingly out of control. Because the
water problem is also related to loading shedding. Another reason for this
problem is the Non-payment of dues. Today the axis of world politics is energy.
If conditions remain unchanged, and electricity was not restored then this
situation may have a crisis. There are many reasons for the electricity crisis
in Pakistan. For-example; 
  • Consideration
    of the lack of new resources to produce electricity. 
  • Poor
    system of distribution. 
  • Illegal
    use of electricity. 

Electric Companies Dues: 

the major reason is that Public institutions are owed billions of rupees of
power companies. It is evident that if government institutions will not pay
their dues then how they will purchase oil or gas for their power plants and
how the power-producing companies will be able to run their power plants. That
is why information is that, that the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) have
warned the Government of Pakistan if the public institutions will not pay their
dues then they (IPPs) will stop producing their power plants in protest. If
that happens, then the situation will be worse. It is felt that the government
is not serious in resolving this problem on solid bases. It is also believed
that the government has issued statements only to defer the public provocation
temporarily. Only announcements will not end the load shedding. 

pakistan power supply

are just hollow slogans. It is a matter of fact that the nature of such a
problem should be presented in a transparent manner. Moreover, the public is
told what can be done on this issue. It would be a more sensible and prudent
political strategy. In addition to this, the opposition should not only use the
energy crises to achieve political gains. However, the opposition should
present a solid solution for such a serious issue.