of Leadership

in social science besides particularly sociology would come to an understanding
that an accident that is also a reflection of change is generally known to take
place unexpectedly, on the other hand, its background is distressing. Also,
small events are a continuation of occasions. The social, as well as
evolutionary developments that can be both negative and positive, continue to
prevail in every single society over time besides affecting weather,
environment, natural disasters in addition to non-natural factors, as much as
of non-natural factors, then they come from human hands and consequence from
human believed. 

lack of leaderships

They include wars, civil wars, scientific inventions and
discoveries, technology, trade and commerce, the media and other fields
associated with it today. Alternatively, an institution like the world is the central
banking system, stock exchange, etc. As far as natural causes and natural
disasters are concerned, prehistory and history, we see archaeology in the form
of ruins around the world, including Pakistan, which was destroyed by natural
causes and natural disasters.

are also some in the ruins that were destroyed by unnatural factors such as
wars and civil wars. As far as prehistory is concerned, it has also been
researched and found the causes and causes of many ancient civilizations
ranging from prosperity to destruction, but there is very little and confusing
information about these personalities. Which has been important concerning the
changes in this cultural process and evolution? Analyze the historical
credentials therefore since man invented the alphabet as well as started
writing, he has given his history by writing down the history of the social development
moreover the passage of time in addition to the negative also positive alterations
that have occurred in society. 

Was similarly stored in the historical record,
which proved to be the cause for these modifications. In excess of time changes
in diverse regions as well as societies of the world, even if individuals of
the entire society have a particular portion to play, one is called the leader for
the reason that of the understandable, otherwise prominent, role. In terms of
personalities, two areas are vital.

is the ideas of thinkers or intellectuals and the other of those thinkers who,
in practical terms, are the motivators who bring about change in society and
are called leaders, since the whole command of change is in their hands.
Otherwise, the names of the intellectuals are left in the background, and then
more than one thinker performs these duties on a continuum of time rather than
a single intellectual or thinker because of changes in societies, so thinkers
are not very prominent. Of course, human history also testifies that a thinker
offers a great revolutionary theory based on social if the relay does not lead
to a revolution, and then triggers the personality (leader) or the even more
famous thinker or scholar with. From the perspective of human civilization, Allah
Almighty chose and enlightened man, in addition, bestowed him the knowledge,
which he did not be acquainted with earlier. 

For that reason, the messages as
well sent through the command, Allah Almighty messages resulting through the
Prophets as well as the Messengers and at that point when this succession had
been completed, they would acknowledge this knowledge based on it in the world besides
not in the context of some intellectuals for social evolution. The development
of thinking sustained and will continue to occur globally.
the death of Quaid-e-Azam in Pakistan and the martyrdom of Liaquat Ali Khan,
our leadership adopted the reconciliation policies instead of confronting the
situation, after the independence, the new country where Pakistan faced
economic problems.

There was the largest migration in the world, the
distribution of assets by India and the decline of Muslims in the country by
the high military and civil bureaucracy, but despite all these problems, half
of the freedom fighters and Pakistan army fought against India in Kashmir. The
freedom of Kashmir was one of the most important achievements. The era of World
War I and II is such a period that in the name of world war, the two divisions
were divided into two groups at the earliest level, killing more than seven
million people.

was a severe reaction at the worldwide, regional and local levels to the
repression of the political colonial system that not only created a collision
of global interests on the other hand also offered upsurge to great leadership
in every country as well as in society in the world and these leaders in the
societies. By establishing and founding their credibility, they attained
independence through struggle by establishing trust in the nation as well as
strengthening their independence, inspiring their national dignity, sustaining
their prosperity in addition to development. Based on ideology and belief, the
former Soviet Union, China, as well as Pakistan were significant and the Prime
Minister was unique in that he was able to achieve India’s fast and definite
independence based on the Hindu-Muslim unity in 1916 Mithra Q Lucknow, not merely
with a two-party ideology. Formulated the process besides when it exposed and
revealed the misconduct of the Congress, the resolution of 1940 was established
by independent Pakistan within just seven years.

is one of the most striking features of leaders, which sets them apart from the
public. Leaders cannot make decisions according to their wisdom by taking
lessons from the moment and changing situations. Today, their unique character
exemplifies the great leaders of the world. If the leadership does not have the
power to decide, then the right to leadership cannot be paid.