to computers 

look at the history of computers reveals that in the beginning computers were
used for defense, aerospace, and large businesses. However, over time, that is
likely to transform. Thus many individual organizations around the world began
to use computers for various purposes. 


history of computers and their evolution:

ago computers were introduced with computing devices such as ABACUS. But today
we use electronics PULSE instead of counting bullets on wires. With the
advancement of technology in recent years, it has emerged as a very fast and
powerful tool for computer scientists, engineers, doctors, and architects.
Users can increase their creativity and productivity in their daily work. The
rapid development of electronic technology has made possible even those that
were not economically feasible a few years ago.  


is a Latin word derived from COMPUTARE. This means compiling a given data. With
the help of a computer, we can do everything with great ease and in very few
moments, for which we need a lot of time. Computers have an excellent and
universal significance. This has led to a huge shift in the information needs
of not only the people of developed countries but also most of the people in
developing countries. Computers have profoundly influenced international trade,
employment, industrial production, domestic life, entertainment, aerospace
research, health precautions, education, communication systems, and scientific
research. Advances in technology have always had both positive and negative
effects, and computers are no exception. We have also used it for both good and
bad purposes. As the power of the computer increases, so does its use. In fact,
it is up to the user to take advantage of the computer.


1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first adding Machine, consisting of wheels,
gears, and windows through which the number could be read. The results can be
achieved up to eight-digit numbers.

W. Leibniz:

30 years later, Gottfried. W. Leibniz invented the improved calculating machine,
the Pascal machine could only add and subtract, but Leibniz’s machine could
also multiply, divide and find square roots. 
there were several improvements in calculating devices, no intangible changes
were recorded until the end of the 18th century.

Marie Jacquard:

1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard, a French engineer, developed a Punched card system
for the power-looms. This system assisted in creating particular weaving
patterns on cloths automatically. This system was afterward used with computing


1821, Charles Babbage, a British scientist, and mathematician worked on the
creation of a huge mechanical machine based on the principle of a difference in
the squares of numbers. He named the machine as Difference Engine. While
working on this machine, he predicts and designed the first programmable
machine. Babbage called his planned machine the Analytical Engine, but he never
transformed his dreams into realities, because the standard of engineering
technology was not so high at that time. But infect Babbage’s machine gave
birth to the research in the field of computers and that is why modern
computers are mostly based on the principle developed by Babbage.


1890, an American, Herman Hollered designed the first electric computing
device. He likewise made use of punched cards in this instrument.


efforts to improve the computing machine continued. Success came in this field
in 1944 when Howard Aiken developed the first electro-mechanical computer. He
used relays in his computer and named it MARK-1.


1946, John Macula and J.P Eckert developed an Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Calculator (ENIAC). ENIAC was also later improved by John Von Neumann and
the improved version was named as EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
Computer). EDVAC was the first computer that could store together with the
program along with data. By 1950, computer with Automatic data processing
capabilities was developed. One such computer was UNIVAC-1.