NGO is a private sector organization elevate by a collection of persons from
civil society with the purpose of providing charitable services to the
community as well as to the society in the affair of social welfare and the
people’s progress. The term NGO is applied for almost every institution, which
is not particularly governmental. Any concern, which is non-government in its
nature, nonprofit, and non-partisan, non-sectarian and is recorded under
definite existing Laws, comes under the definition of NGO. The primary aspire
of an NGO is to the enhancement of government, efforts in carrying out the
development work and social welfare activities. 


Organization Definition: 

voluntary social welfare agencies/organizations are created with the purpose to
resolve the general difficulty by using the available resources with the
involvement of society. The NGOs are defined simply as voluntary development
organizations and contain the Community Based Organization In the most modern terminology
in this regard; the NGOs are also called Civil Society Organizations. The NGO
segment in Pakistan is incredibly broad. NGOs are likely to play an excellent
role in government activities, care for the public interest and in particular
the interest of the mainly helpless faction on the one hand, while on the other
they act as a service provider and perform business activities. The
authenticity of the NGO sector depends on its integrity. Pakistani NGOs require
maintaining and protecting the independence of the sector while establishing a method
that can regulation its own members. 

NGOs are functioning in diverse sectors, which comprise as follow: 
  • Advocacy 
  • Agriculture
    & Livestock 
  • Micro-Enterprise
  • Credit
    & Savings 
  • Communication
    & Information Sharing 
  • Capacity
    Building / Financing 
  • Basic
    job training, research, and development 
  • Community
  • Culture
    Arts and Heritage 
  • Child
    / Labor Rights 
  • Employment
    / Income Generation 
  • Environmental
    Protection & Forestry 
  • Family
    Planning / Population Welfare 
  • Gender
    & Development 
  • Health
    & Nutrition 
  • Human
  • Humanitarian
  • Legal
  • Primary
  • Person with Disabilities 
  • Rehabilitation
    of Drug Addicts 
  • Social
    Welfare Services 
  • Special
  • Urban
  • Water
    & Sanitation 
  • Women
    in suffering 
  • Women