people discuss that if attitudes towards them, the manner physical environments
are premeditated and the mode where society is organized was changed, and then
the effect of their impairments would be reduced, giving them a reasonable
chance of equality. What can be improved and how? 


The Environment:

the internal and external atmosphere can be changed to provide better access
and improved facilities for disabled people. New public buildings should be
designed to meet the necessities of the Building Regulations. Set out
strategies on entrances; internal space, for example, doorways and corridors;
access to other floors within a building; WC facilities, etc. Existing
buildings should be reformed wherever possible.

deliberation of the requirements of disabled people would include, for instance
integrating dropped Curbs at crossings; providing tangible pavement for blind
and partially sighted people; locating street furniture in places where it is
not going to be a hindrance, and highlighting it by using color disparity;
including parking spaces that are close to conveniences and that are broader to
permit wheelchair access; providing public toilets that are wheelchair
accessible. Good and attentive design is of assistance to all people, not just
those with disabilities.

arrangement of our society:

concern our society, to a certain extent, society prescriptions how we live our
lives. We have directions, protocols, and procedures that are based on custom
and are very infrequently questioned. We adapt because we do not want to be
different but, sometimes, these traditional ethics make it problematic for
disabled people to appropriate in.

example, in the work setting, a company may have strict rules on how the
working week is planned – the day may start with a briefing period, making it
tough for a disabled person who needs additional time in the morning to get
dressed and to the office – to attend. But, if the employer introduced fixed
time and arranged meetings for the middle of the working day, the disabled
person would not have any trouble joining.

to facts and figures:

depend on written substantial for academic studies and in our day-to-day lives
to articulate us what time the buses are running and how our kitchen appliances
function. This information is only convenient and useful to people who can read
and/or understand what they are reading. To assist people with disabilities, the
information should be available in plain English, large print, and Braille and
on audio cassette or via a speech synthesizer. People who are incapable to hear
the verbal word should have access to a sign language interpreter, or subtitles
if the material is on the monitor screen.


people have pre-conceived concepts about what disabled people are like,
possibly because they have had slight interaction with them in the past. This
can lead to condescending outlooks or prejudice because they have not familiar
that a disabled person takes extensive to do something or fatigue more easily.
People may habitually embrace an unfair attitude by making an indecent
supposition that a disabled person would not be as capable as a non-disabled
person. For this reason, the disabled themselves should spread awareness in society.