United Nations (UN) World Day of Social Justice is every year remembered on
February 20 to show appreciation dwellers to a reminder that how social justice
affects a shortage of elimination. Social justice has been at the core of
public protection development for more than a century. Social security systems
protect people against the risk of life, thus strengthening social unity,
loyalty, and harmony. The World Day differentiate that civilization must be
supported by social justice, a high opinion for human rights and vital freedoms
– and on the right to collective safeguard for all. 

social justice day


World Summit for Social Development was organized in Copenhagen, Denmark, in
1995 and calls it a day the Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action. At
this summit, more than 100 political leaders promise to make the overthrow of
poverty, rareness, and full employment, in addition to stable, protected, and
just societies as their overriding objectives. They additionally determined the
necessity to place the general public at the axis of growth approach. The
devotion of the day should include the auxiliary consolidation of the labors of
the universal community in poverty elimination, encouragement of full
employment and decent work, sex equity, and access to social pleasure and
equality for all.

Day of Social Justice Events and Activities:

organizations, including the UN and the International Labor Office, make
declarations on the impact and importance of social justice for common people.
Many unions besides present strategy for better social justice by dealing with
poverty, social and economic removal, and unemployment. Trade unions and
movement groups are requested to summon their members and supporters to mark
the day. Schools, colleges, and universities may arrange remarkable activities
for the day or outline a week of events and activities rotating around a theme
related to poverty, social and economic exclusion, or unemployment. Varied
media, together with radio and television stations, newspapers, and Internet
sites, can give attention to the topics about the World Day of Social Justice.

General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf had removed Chief Justice of Pakistan Chaudhry
Iftikhar then Chief Justice and his supporters, political leadership and the
people of Pakistan encouraged the struggle for justice and the Chief Justice
and their struggle to achieve social justice for all.