United Nations’ (UN) International Mother Language Day yearly rejoices mother
tongue collection as well as a huge capacity across the world on February 21. Its
ceremonial was also officially well-known by the United Nations General
Assembly in its declaration establishing 2008 as the International Year of
Languages. International Mother Language Day is observed yearly by UNESCO
member states and at its command center to promote the linguistic and cultural
collection and multilingualism. It is a public holiday celebrated globally. 


of International Mother Language Day:

of India in 1947, the Bengal region was divided as per the foremost religious
assurance of the population. The western parts became the element of India and
the eastern part make to be a state of Pakistan known as East Bengal and
subsequently East Pakistan. However, there was economic, educational, and
lingual resistance between East and West Pakistan.

apprehensions were apparent in 1948 when Pakistan’s government declared that
Urdu was the only nationalized language. This set fire to objection among the
Bengali-speaking typical general public in East Pakistan. The government banned
the disputes but on February 21, 1952, students at the University of Dhaka and
other activists organized for a protest. Shortly that day, the police force
opened fire at the protesters besides killed four students. These student’s breakdown
in hostile for the right to use their mother language is currently reflected on
International Mother Language Day. On International Mother Language Day the
UN’s Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other UN
organizations participate in dealings that encourage linguistic and cultural

on the Day:

Adabi Sangat (SAS), a forum of literary people of Sindh, announced that it
would celebrate the day stress the significance of the Sindhi language, and
hold numerous programs throughout the province in this regard. Sindhi language
proficient demanded the government to give national language status to all
regional languages spoken in different parts of the country.

a child is born, language development is built around a child learns from the
environment and is close to his mother before the child’s first words are spoken
is called mother language. The mother should teach their children good words in
the beginning.