far another International, World Disabled Day is observing on 3rd December, the
disabled, handicapped persons would as likely summon up the pledges and
assurances given to them during the last World Disabled Day just about a year
back and realize that nothing much has changed in their life content. 

international, world, disability day

the fact that promises and celebrations occur year after year be fond of a
ceremony, seminars, and conferences, several of the disabled persons continue
to live on in conditions of poor quality and uncertainty, not knowing as to
what the future would hold for them. With physical immobility on the one hand
and lack of resources and unsatisfactory income, on the other hand, most of the
disabled persons do not have the access to quality educational institutions or
the facilities to acquire the vital skill to employ them.

Hollow Slogans:

the government has some schemes to assist them, the reality is that such
schemes are far excessively not enough considering the population of the
disabled persons and the intensity of their problems. The disability not only
causes physical anxiety but besides mental disturbance and disappointment as
they cannot be part of the mainstream of life, which makes their life even more
complicated. The reservation provided by the government in jobs is extremely
insufficient as well and most of the disabled persons are not benefited by such
reservation policies.

Pakistan this time disabled people celebrated a disabled day as a strong
protest. Because every year the entire world celebrates this day with great
enthusiasm but there is no one in fact to help and facilitate them. Everyone
has hollow slogans. No one takes a concrete and practical step for the
betterment of all Disabled people. If the government and other humanitarian
agencies do not help disabled people practically, what is the benefit of the disabled

and Social Organizations & Private Sector Must DO:

has started some schemes and policies for disabled persons but unfortunately,
they have not been fully implemented till now. Serious steps should be taken for
the welfare of the special persons to end their sense of deprivation.
Government filling of some 4000 posts for the person with disabilities. Many
disabled persons send their CV to the ministry of social welfare and special
education but they do not receive any response. There is no use of 2% of the quota
which is preserved for disabled people.

need practical and concrete steps for the betterment of all disabled people.
Government and Private sector should allocate jobs for disabled people and they
should create special jobs for disabled persons, especially Online jobs, (Home
based jobs). I hope that the government and the private sector will take useful
and practical steps in this regard.