people say you have to do SEO (Search Engine Optimizations). Some people say
you have to do paid advertising. Which one is better? You know what, not only
am I going to go over that today, but also the answer is not what you are going
to expect. Today, I am going to go over paid advertising and SEO. Which one is
better? Which one mouthful? Why should you be influencing any of them?

are four main pros for paid advertising.

can scale up as quickly as you want. As you are willing to spend more money,
you get more traffic. You start a paid advertising promotion, you acquire that
traffic at the moment. 

organic paid marketing

can target any region that you want. With the paid promotion, if you merely do
business in the United States, you can only do commercials just in the United
States, If you do business in a particular city, you can similarly have your advertisements
only bring to light within that city. That is to say a fabulous part of paid

can leverage dayparting. Day-parting is not common, most people are not
familiar with this and they are not using this. However, if you are business is
only around from 8 am to 5 pm, and let’s say you’re in the B to B industry, and
you’re looking for phone calls, why would you want to pay for ads at 6 pm?
Because if someone comes to your website, and they try calling you, no one’s
going to be there to answer it. Through dayparting, it allows you a preference
what hours you need your advertisements to display. The next thing you need to
do is be spending money during periods that you are not in business.

fourth mechanism, this is my chosen part about paid advertisements, is you can
be actual forceful with your landing pages. By way of SEO, characteristically,
pages that rank on the top of Google search engine optimization are very extended
in content besides they have approximately 2000 words. With pay-per-click, if
you are landing page has 2000 words, people are not going to convert into a
customer, or a lead, or a sale. They are probably going to read your content.
That is not what you want. You want them to buy, and that is the beauty of

can have a precise belligerent landing page that focuses on your service, your
offer, your product as well as you can acquire the general public to transform considerably
advanced from a percentage of how many people you are receiving to how many
customers than you can from SEO. Now, before I get into the advantages of SEO,
if any of you people leveraged paid advertising, just leave a comment below
with yes. I am just curious to see how many of you guys are spending money on
paid ads.
By way
of SEO, there are limited benefits.

if you decelerate in SEO, you can keep receiving further visitors over time.
That is the beautiful part. By way of paid advertising, the moment you discontinue
as a result does your traffic. Through SEO, if you slow down, all that the site
visitors that you have accumulated does not leave. You can silently realm it besides
develop it.

traffic is free. Besides here is what I want to say by at liberty, certainly,
it does take time otherwise power, otherwise, you may have to pay certain persons
to assist with link building otherwise content, nevertheless, it is free of
charge for the reason that it is so considerable inexpensive and generally, you
can do SEO yourself. You do not have to pay an agency or firm to help you with
SEO. You can learn it yourself, you can do it yourself and over time, you will
notice that your traffic goes up. Besides, the third big benefit is, the
majority of people when they perform a search, click on the organic listings.

you disagree with that, leave a comment and say no. Also, I know most you are
not going to disagree because the data shows the majority of the traffic goes
to organic listings over paid listings. Now, you are probably wondering, which
one should you do? Well, with pay-per-click, you will find that you can scale
up and down much quicker. With SEO, it takes a lot longer. Through paid
advertising, you can regulate the type of performers that visit your landings

With SEO, you cannot; you pretty much get a mix of everything. It could
be some people from the United States, a specific city that you may not be
selling your services in; it could be in Canada if you are not operating in
Canada, or whatever region it may be. You cannot necessarily control that as
closely as you can with pay-per-click. Besides, with SEO traffic, it is not

can blow you. Once you are doing well, that traffic does not always last. Yes,
you can maintain a portion of it, but it may go up or down and you could be
smacked from the algorithm. Moreover, absolutely with paid advertising, you can
be pulled away as well and slapped, but it is very rare because you are giving
them money. You will also find that paid scales easily, while SEO takes a lot
of time.

SEO, you have to write a lot of content; either yourself or you have to hire
writers or contractors, whatever it may be. Moreover, even when you do that,
you won’t see the results right away. It can take three to six months before
you see some result, but it usually takes over a year before the results start
kicking in. Consequently, now let us go to the ultimate question; is it SEO or
is it paid, which one should you be leveraging, investing? Well, the answer is,
both. If they were both profitable, why wouldn’t you leverage them? If paid
advertising’s profitable, that means SEO for sure is going to be profitable.
You want to leverage not only paid an SEO, but you’re also going to be
leveraging any marketing channel that’s profitable and works, that you can keep

Therefore, if people say, oh SEO’s better, or paid advertising is
better, it doesn’t matter. Leverage all the channels that are profitable for
your business. In the past about some time ago, you could just influence SEO as
well as build a business, otherwise you could just control paid. On the other
hand, now, there are consequently many businesses popping online, it is as a
result competitive that you have no choice but to leverage all the channels out

Google Adwords to Facebook Ads, to SEO, to Content Marketing, to Social Media
Marketing, to Email Marketing, to Push Notifications. The list keeps going on
and on. That’s the only way you’re going to succeed is if you have an
omnichannel approach, in which you’re leveraging all the channels. So now, you
have it, which one is better. It does not matter, you want to leverage all of
them. If you found this content interesting, make sure you like it, make sure
you share it, tell other people about it, or if you have any questions on paid
or SEO or any marketing related questions, leave a comment below. Besides,
please share this on your Facebook timeline. Thank you.