to create Backlinks Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks

play a huge role in this article. This is a key factor in SEO. Moreover, it
plays a vital role in SEO. These backlinks will be a huge factor in the
future. You need to keep in mind that if your website or blog is an organic
result oriented. This means that you do not believe much in paid advertising or
you do not make a reasonable profit from paid advertising, and you only want
organic results. In this case, you have to take a special step. In this regard,
I am going to tell you an amazing strategy that you can generate for your
website or blog and it is going to benefit you a lot. You can rank your website
or blog on the first page in search engines like Google and Bing.



now I want to shed some light on what backlinks are. Many of you must know
about these backlinks but those who do not know will teach here, so friends
what backlinks actually do. As we all know that how significant is Backlink for
SEO (search engine optimization) particularly Do-Follow Backlink. Therefore, Backlink
plays a key role in SEO ranking on search engines especially on Google or well.

are reputation checker. In fact, the search engine finds out from the
backlinks, that any new website or blog or any new page that has been published
within the Internet, that is, it would be correct to rank the new page of the
website or blog. Because these backlinks are a kind of reputation checker for
all search engines. All search engines are afraid to rank any page of any
website or blog because of how much performance it will have if it ranks the
website or blog.

there are backlinks on a page of another big and famous website and that
website is recommending that new website to all these search engines, then as a
result the search engine ranks the page of that new website by recommending it.

is why backlinks are a huge and important factor in the eyes of all search
engines. In backlinks, we have to go to another page of another big and famous
website and generate a link on their page, that is, we have to create a hyperlink
to one of our articles.

as a result we gain a lot of traffic from that big website with the help of
this backlink. As a result, our website or blog becomes quite popular, as well
as rank on almost all search engines.

hope you all understand well about the basic meaning of backlinks. Now we have
to see how to create backlinks.

backlinks are of two types. The first one is DO-FOLLOW and the second is NO-FOLLOW.
Friends every time we create backlinks on a website, it counts as NO-FOLLOW.

it is an open platform for all backlinks. QUORA for example is a popular
platform website. In which he has done all the scripting. QUORA, therefore,
informs the search engines that the backlinks that are present on my website
may be the backlinks of the page of the respective website, but as QUORA, I do
not recommend the backlinks of that related website or blog. . That is why it
is called NO-FOLLOW backlinks.

a website has backlinks to your website, and if the owner of the popular
website informs the search engines that I recommend backlinks for that website,
then it is called DOFOLLOW backlinks. This move will cause search engines to
rank your page faster.

difference between DO-FOLLOW and NO-FOLLOW is that the owner of a website
guarantees the backlinks of any page of your website or blog, so it is called DO-FOLLOW
and if the opposite is the case, it is known as NO-FOLLOW.

you should have quantity backlinks but quality backlinks are the most
important. This means that DOFOLLOW backlinks will matter more.

if you have many backlinks and they are all pointing to your website or blog
then it is also a great website. Nevertheless, remember that there are bad
websites that do not follow the search engine policy. Do not create backlinks
on these websites. I would not recommend them at all, so stay away from such

In this
regard, I will suggest free tool websites that will help you in creating
backlinks on the most popular websites.

