Coronavirus pandemic, which has up to now killed about 1.5 million people globally.
Its severity was currently slightly reduced, however with the end of the summer,
the number of its patients began to increase sharply. Consequently, many
countries have been forced to take precautionary measures and tighten restrictions
to prevent it.

situation in Corona, Covid-19 is also deteriorating in Pakistan. The government has
expressed concern over the second wave of Corona in the winter season and urged
the people to strictly follow the standard procedure and ensure the use of
masks. By the grace of God Almighty, Pakistan has been largely protected from
the negative effects of this epidemic compared to other countries, but it may
strike again in the coming winter season. 

coronavirus covid-19

people should be careful not to go to public places. In this regard, various
departments, including educational institutions, should strictly enforce SOPs
to avoid corona. A series of partial lockdowns has begun in some parts of the
country. At the same time, all religious gatherings and political and social
events need to be restricted as much as possible.

to global statistics, the number of corona patients worldwide has reached 35
million. The head of the World Health Organization warned last month that
Corona’s severity had decreased, but that the epidemic was not over and did not
appear to be happening in the future. His prediction came true and the effects
of climate change became apparent. It was the grace of God Almighty that due to
some government measures, Pakistan suffered fewer casualties and economic
losses than many other countries with large and strong economies, including the
United States, although a large number of people here did not take the epidemic
more seriously.

has not been much activity in the implementation of SOPs. Now that a new and
more severe wave of Corona is being feared, the public should take
precautionary measures and take strict precautionary measures. It should be
noted that the vaccine to cure this epidemic has not yet been developed despite
all efforts. The only way and solution to avoid this fatal virus are, to take precautions. It is
in our interest to fully comply with SOPs. Only then precious lives will be
saved. Thanks.