There are three types of insurance:

(1) Life Insurance

(2) Property Insurance)

(3) Liability Insurance

1: Life Insurance: In this case, the insurance company
conducts a medical examination of the insured through its doctor, and the
doctor evaluates it by looking at his physical condition.

If this person can live for so many years, for example, ten
years, then according to the doctor’s report, the company fixes his life
insurance for ten years, after which a sum is fixed between the insurance
company and the insured, which is the insured company.



Pays in installments, for example, one hundred dollars per
month is fixed and fixed, then it becomes twelve hundred dollars per year (you
estimate in your current national currency), and in ten years twelve thousand
dollars are accumulated. 

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Now if the insurance before the said period In case of death
of the deceased, whether due to physical death or an accident, etc., the
insurance company will return the original amount to his heirs with some extra
amount as per the conditions, and

If he dies after the said period, the original amount with
interest will be returned to the heirs. However, in the first case, the rate of
return is higher, and in the second case, the rate of return is lower.

2: Provision of Goods: What is called (goods insurance)
insurance of goods and property, it is the case that if a person wants to
insure any goods such as: a car,  a motorcycle,
a building, motorcycle, and ship, etc.

So he pays a fee to the insurance company at a fixed rate,
which is called a premium, and the company reimburses the goods in the event of
an accident, and if the goods are not involved in an accident. In that case,
the premium paid by the insured is not refundable.

3:Third-Party Liability: Third-party insurance, the case in
which the insured pays installments to the insurance company, and there is an
agreement between the two that if the insured’s caste If the car is damaged by
another person, and the payment is due to the insured, the company will pay the

Insurance Companies Mission:

The company’s mission in the field of insurance is not only
to protect you but also to ensure that you can live your life to the fullest.
The insurance company realizes that life is full of uncertainties, whether it
is a marriage at home or the birth of a child are both happy occasions, but it
also brings with it new responsibilities and expenses and the rest of the
medical treatment.

Expenses etc. also come under the category of insurance, the
insurance company is the place where you are supported. The insurance company
has plans that will help you save for your children’s education and also some
plans that will enable you to help your children in a beautiful marriage as
they imagined.

Insurance Plan:

Insurance plans help you to live a calm life after retirement
by protecting yourself from the pressures of inflation. Not only this, with the
help of insurance companies you can be sure that this is not life insurance but
another name for life happiness.

What do these words mean to you?

Do these words assure you that you will continue to fulfill
your family’s financial responsibilities even if you die in the event of an
emergency? In fact, it is only part of the insurance. Life insurance companies
strive to make this small part of life better for you.