Aspirin May Help Shield You From COVID-19

is believed that the use of a single pill of aspirin daily can prevent various
diseases, only medical experts can tell how true this is.

preliminary research suggests that daily use of small amounts of aspirin may
also, reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus disease Covid-19.

has shown that aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug and previous research
reports have suggested that it could potentially help the immune system fight
off some viral infections.

study looked at whether small doses of aspirin could prevent covid- 19 while
reducing the duration of the disease.

study used 75 mg of aspirin daily.

researchers tracked the data of more than 10,000 people who were diagnosed with
covid during the first outbreak of the coronavirus.

have found that people who use small amounts of aspirin to reduce their risk of
heart disease are 29% less likely to be diagnosed with Covid-19 than others.

the duration of Covid-19 in aspirin users is 2 to 3 days shorter than in
others, depending on whether or not they already have the disease.

researchers said that the prospect of a low-dose aspirin benefit from Covid-19
was preliminary but encouraging.

said more research is needed to confirm that aspirin can be beneficial.

purpose of this study was to understand the effects of aspirin on the immune
system fighting Covid-19, we now intend to work on more people and control
clinical trials,” he added.

findings were published in the medical journal The FEBS Journal. 

Aspirin use reduces the risk of
death in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. 

image by Flickr

in October 2020, a study by the University of Maryland School of Medicine in
the United States stated that patients undergoing hospitalization due to Covid-19
should use small amounts of aspirin daily. They may have a reduced risk of
complications and death from the disease.

study claimed that Covid-19 patients using aspirin were less likely to reach
the ICU or go to the ventilator support than others. They also have a lower
risk of death than those who stay away from the drug.

“cautious hope” in a study published in the medical journal
Anesthesia and Analysis, he said that a cheap and readily available drug could
prevent serious complications of Covid-19.

said it was the most important discovery that needed to be confirmed by a
clinical trial if confirmed. This will make aspirin the first widely available
drug to reduce the mortality rate of Covid-19 patients.