This Surah was revealed in Makkah. However, some
commentators have disregarded its three verses (Quran chapter: verses no: 10:40
and 10:94-95) that it was revealed in Medina. But there is no definite proof of
this. The Surah is named after Hazrat Yunus (as), who is mentioned in (Chapter:
verse no: 10:98). The most important issue in Makkah was to prove the basic beliefs of Islam. 

Therefore, in most of the Makki Surahs, the basic tenets of Tawheed,
Prophethood, and the Hereafter have been given. These are the main themes of
this Surah too. At the same time, the objections of the Arab polytheists to
Islam have been answered, and their wrongdoings have been condemned, and they
have been warned that if they continue their stubbornness, Allah will punish
them both in this world and in the Hereafter. Punishment may come from Allah. 

In this regard, the incident of Pharaoh’s drowning as a result of opposition to
Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) from the previous prophets is described in
detail and the events of Prophet Noah and Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) are
briefly described. The lesson for the disbelievers in them is the attitude they
have adopted in opposition to the Prophet. As a result, their fate may be the
same, and it is a source of consolation for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the
Muslims that despite all these oppositions, insha’Allah, the final outcome will
be in their favor.