Summary of Quran Chapter Surah Maryam 19 Mary 

main purpose of this surah is to explain the correct beliefs about Jesus (Isa) (PBUH)
and his mother Mary (PBUH) and the denial of Christians about them. Although
there was no special Christian population in Makkah, where this Surah was
revealed, the pagans of Makkah sometimes sought the help of Christians to
refute the Prophet’s claim of prophethood. In addition, many of the Companions,
tired of the atrocities of the infidels of Makkah, were migrating to Abyssinia,
where the Christian religion ruled. Therefore, Muslims needed to be aware of
the true nature of Jesus, Mary, Zechariah (Zakariyya), and (Yahya) John (Peace
be upon all of them). 

Therefore, in this Surah, the events of these gentlemen
are narrated in the same context. And since it was to make it clear that Jesus
(PBUH) is not the son of God, as Christians believe, but is a link in the
sacred chain of prophets, some other prophets are also briefly mentioned. It
has been mentioned in Surah. But the birth of Jesus (PBUH) and the condition of
Mary (PBUH) at that time are described in the most detail in this Surah. That
is why this Surah is named Surah Maryam (Mary).