Summary of
Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using HTML, DHTML,
JavaScript, Perl, CGI
” by Ivan Bayross 

Main topic or
theme of the book 

Enabled Commercial Application Development” is a comprehensive guide to
web application development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, and CGI. 

Key ideas or
arguments presented 

The book covers
a wide range of topics related to web application development, from basic HTML
and CSS to advanced topics like Perl scripts and managing sessions. 

web development

image by: abebooks

Chapter titles
or main sections of the book with a paragraph on each 

Introduction to
Web: Overview of the web and its components, including web servers and clients. 

Introduction to
HTML: Covers the basics of HTML, including tags, attributes, and formatting. 

Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS): Covers the basics of CSS, including selectors, properties, and

Dynamic HTML
(DHTML): Covers the basics of DHTML, including using JavaScript to manipulate
the DOM. 

Introduction to
JavaScript: Covers the basics of JavaScript, including variables, operators,
and control structures. 

Introduction to
Perl: Covers the basics of Perl, including variables, operators, and control

Introduction to
CGI: Covers the basics of CGI, including writing CGI scripts in Perl. 

Key takeaways or

The book
provides a comprehensive guide to web application development using a variety
of technologies. 

Both beginners
and experienced developers will find the book useful. 

The examples
and exercises help reinforce the concepts covered in each chapter. 

background and qualifications 

Ivan Bayross is
a software developer and author with over 25 years of experience in the field.
He has written several books on web application development and programming. 

Comparison to
other books on the same subject 

Enabled Commercial Application Development” is comparable to other popular
books on web development, such as “JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive
Front-End Web Development” by Jon Duckett. 

Target audience
or intended readership 

The book is
intended for anyone interested in learning web application development using
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, and CGI. 

Reception or
critical response to the book 

The book has
received positive reviews for its comprehensive coverage of web application
development using multiple technologies. 

Publisher and
First Published Date 

The book was
published by BPB Publications in 2002. 

[JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett] 

and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development” is another
comprehensive guide to web development that covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
jQuery. It is a great resource for anyone interested in front-end web development. 

The book’s
biggest takeaway and point in a singular sentence 

Enabled Commercial Application Development” provides a comprehensive guide
to web application development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, and CGI,
suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.