Supplication for the ruler of the Muslim State. 

It is permissible and essential to pray for the rights of
the Ruler of the Muslim nation, whom Allah has appointed as your ruler. In the
Book of Sunnah, an Imam of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, Naser Sunnah Imam
Barbahari, wrote, (One of the leaders of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, Imam
Nasir al-Sunnah Imam Barbahari, wrote in his book ‘Kitab al-Sunnah’ (The Book of
Sunnah), which is a printed and widely respected work.) ‘When you see a person
supplicating for the Sultan, meaning the ruler of the Muslim nation, know that
he is a person of correct belief and acts upon the Sunnah. And when you see a
person supplicating against such a ruler, know that he is an innovator.’ 

supplication for Ruler

Fudayl (Fuzail) ibn ‘Iyad used to pray frequently for the
rights of the ruler of his time. We know about the Abbasid Caliphs and what
they did during their rule. Despite this, Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad would frequently
pray for their rights. When he was asked why he prayed more or why he prayed so much? for their rights than they themselves did, he replied, Because if
I become right and upright, it will benefit me and the people around me. But if
the Caliph becomes righteous, the benefit will reach all Muslims.

In times of turmoil or persecution, for both rulers and
the general public, preserving the fundamental principles is essential. These
are: Everyone should be eager to engage in activities that bring people
together and avoid sectarianism, establish an atmosphere of love, refrain from
spreading hatred, and everyone should exercise patience, as patience prevents
many actions with harmful consequences. The lack of patience can ignite the
sparks of discord, and it fuels the flames of evil and corruption.

Therefore, a person who intends general good and welfare
for the Muslims should sincerely pray that Allah, who has entrusted the affairs
of the Muslims to these leaders, reforms them and grants them success in
following the Quran and Sunnah. Our only wish is that all actions and guidance
should conform to the Quran and Sunnah. Hearts are in the hands of Allah
Almighty, and He is the Turner of hearts.