has launched an ultimate barrage of innovations in expectation of the
approaching cheerful season. The American company has just exposed the ‘Nexus S’,
a subsequent model in its range of smartphones. Samsung manufactures it; it
will be prepared and equipped with a marvelous AMOLED screen display. 

Nexus S

View Company:

Mountain View Company’s also introduced ‘Chrome OS’, the latest type of operating system, which operates online, and it is called a cloud system. However, the first portable computers characterizing this new OS will not be available until mid-2011. Moreover, (Google Chrome Web Store), the online store where you can download applications and extensions to improve and increase the ‘Chrome’ browser, has already provided for business. The web colossal is definitely no longer satisfied with just dominating the world of the internet and is taking concrete steps to make a name for itself in all parts of the markets in the new and latest technology.