gloomy insanity is it that has possessed the nation’s thinking class to drive
it so solid sightless to the terrible realities prevalent on the ground? The
country is entangled in a variety of horrible hardships and critical threats
with intent. And the polity stands profoundly divided extremely into assorted
lines irreconcilably. So far moderately unmindful of these discouraging ground
realities, this thinking class is given so carrying to its favorite activities
and chases harshly and mind-boggling. And in the process, it is turning out
to be immense trouble, not part of the solution. 

thinking classes

enormous healer it should have been. A great demolish er or eradicator as an alternative it is
proving to be. A great unitary it could be. Instead, it has become a deadly
separator of the polity. Insanity, not sanity, has deliberately overpowered it
to impel it on to silly acts and unintelligent dialogue. Under the influence of
harshness and inflexibility, it is, interestingly. And the blades of
bitterness, resentment, and disagreement it has taken in its hands to
manipulate carelessly. To outrage and exaggerate what should be treated with
great moderation has become its most driving enthusiasm.

what, if the political elites have become so neglectful of the mass of the
people, had this thinking class also to be? This mass is in great trouble.
Every kind of suffering known to the people is badly affecting it horridly.
Poverty, immorality, want and epidemic appears having become its never-ending
destiny. Unemployment and disappearance means of a source of revenue are
playing chaos with its lives. And so indigent it is that food and basic needs
have just sprung out of its reach. It has nothing to eat and its children go
starving and sleep hungry.

it is the thinking class that should have been upset passionately about this
pitiable dilemma of the mass. It is this galaxy that should have been floating
ideas and arguable suggestions anxiously for pulling the mass from its
undesirable dilemma and campaigning strongly for the amelioration of its lot.
It certainly should have eminent itself for public-spiritedness (some kind of unselfishness interest in public welfare) to put the
political elites to dishonor and shame. And this it could but has not. It is
acting more inconsiderate than is the political class, and also additional
carelessly, to put it honestly.

when will the thinking class become conscious that this country exists for its
180 habitually impoverished, deprived and denied citizens. Not for the
preference amusements of anyone; the thinking class included. This country is
no play-field for thrashing the non-issues into big issues just for the
satisfaction of a thinking class. Why certainly matters of law and constitution
should become the subjects of affected actions and exciting conversation when
there is a respected independent judiciary with the nation’s most excellent
legal minds on it to rule on them; and which is marvelously tackling such
matters before now? What excitement is there to go after such matters as
humorously as the thinking class is engaged in currently?

world over, the thinking class is a beacon light. It enlightens the issues that
are genuine, scrutiny them analytically for the masses to be aware of and grab,
and thinks out ways to tackle with them. It educates the people; it leads the
community. Confuse it does not the masses. But our thinking class does it. It leads
them not. It somewhat misleads them. And that is the regretful part. A beacon
light it is not. And verily it is of no use to the masses. Of what effect could
certainly be a thinking class that also takes the masses for granted, treats
them as easily not reusable products, has no clue of the troubles of the masses
and remains glued to its pet pastimes that have no relevance at all to the
daily lives of the mass of the people?

this thinking class is no superior to political elites. They have lost all
trust and confidence of our citizens. And so has this thinking class. No one on
the street looks at it and its chases with consent and respect. It may be
shocked to know that it is held in as great hatred by the mass of the people as
is the political class. It needs to review its act. Its speech and actions blow
of confusing insanity when the individual marks a real thinking class in the
world are good sense, wisdom, and self-control, which are no part of it.