Theme: Removing barriers to create an inclusive
and accessible society for all. 
s yet another International. World Disabled Day is celebrating on 3rd
December, the disabled persons would as anticipated summon up the promises and
assurances given to them during the last International Disabled Day around a
year back and understand that nothing much has changed in their life content.
While promises and celebrations take place year after year like a ceremony,
seminars, and conferences, several of the disabled persons continue to live on
in conditions of poverty and uncertainty, not knowing as to what the future
would hold for them. With physical immobility on the one hand and lack of
resources and insufficient income, on the other hand, most of the disabled
persons do not have the access to quality educational institutions or the
facilities to acquire the requisite skill to employ them. 

world disabled day

The advantage to
Celebrate Disabled Day:

What is the benefit to
celebrate every year’s disabled people’s day? Have disabled people benefited
from the celebration of this day up to now? The answer is NO! There are such
organizations that have been established only for the benefit of disabled
people. These organizations request for donations from advanced countries and
The only people who have
benefited from the celebration of this day, who ask for a donation for the
disabled persons. Because these people are selfish and a hypocrite. They organize
seminars and conferences with the help of these donations or funds. Such
conferences and seminars have nothing except eating and drinking. Such
organizations have just nothing except hollow and tall slogans.
Many persons with
disabilities have been seeking suitable jobs, employments for the last several
years but sadly all their efforts are wasted. No results all in vain. Because
of egotism and ignorance of government, welfare, and disabled people
organizations. Because of such negligence and carelessness, several disabled
persons have been over-aged and now they are not eligible for any government
and other jobs, employment. Now tell me what the future of such disabled people

Government Hollow

While the government has
some schemes to help them, the fact and reality are that such schemes are far
too inadequate considering the population of the disabled persons and the
intensity of their problems. The disability not only causes physical discomfort
but also mental trauma and frustration as they cannot be part of the mainstream
of life, which makes their life doubly difficult.
The reservation provided
by the government in jobs is far too inadequate and most of the disabled
persons are not benefited by such reservation policies. In Pakistan this time
disabled people celebrated a disabled day as a strong protest. Because every
year the entire world celebrates this day with great enthusiasm but there is no
one truly to help them. Everyone has hollow slogans. 


I request the Government
of Pakistan and Disabled person organizations please take a serious and
concrete step for the benefits of all disabled people especially those disabled
persons who have been over-aged. 
Thank you for