European Medicines Agency (EMA) has stated that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe
and effective, despite concerns about its potential side effects. 


announcement was made on March 18, after several countries in Europe
temporarily suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after nearly 30 cases
of blood clots or blood clots.

EMA said the benefits of the vaccine far outweighed the potential risks and
that the agency had not identified problems with the vaccine shipment or its

the European Union has said it is unable to say for sure whether the vaccine
has anything to do with blood clots.

nations resume use of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine after regulator signs off

is a safe and effective vaccine,” said Emmer Cookie, EMA’s executive
director, during a press briefing.

benefits of the vaccine outweigh its potential risks in protecting people from
cod, hospitalization, and death,” he said. The committee also concluded
that the vaccine does not increase the overall risk of blood clots. We cannot
rule out a link between cases and vaccines.

EMA said it would continue to investigate possible links between blood clots
and the vaccine while updating vaccine guidelines to clarify potential risks.

EMA statement said that 20 million people in the UK and the European Union had
been vaccinated by March 16, during which time only 7 cases of blood clots and
18 cases of platelet deficiency were reported, which had nothing to do with the
vaccine. Not yet proven, but it is possible and requires further analysis.

first reports of blood clots in people using the AstraZeneca vaccine came from
Austria, which caused a wave of concern, and vaccination of a specific
consignment of vaccines was stopped there.

Austria, the vaccine was temporarily suspended last week in Austria, Denmark,
Norway, and Iceland, and on March 14 by the Netherlands and Ireland.

March 15, the three largest EU countries, France, Germany, and Italy, as well
as Spain, Latvia, and Slovenia suspended AstraZeneca vaccinations due to these
concerns, while on March 16, Sweden and Luxembourg also joined the list.

World Health Organization (WHO) said on March 17 that vaccinations to prevent
code 19 do not reduce the risk of disease or death from other causes, and that
platelet loss is quite common.

benefits of vaccines outweigh the potential risks, and we recommend that
vaccinations continue,” the WHO added.

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