are the disadvantages of waking to stay up late at night?

up late is a habit for some people and for such people it becomes a part of
their daily routine.

you one of those people who finds it very difficult to get out of bed early in
the morning?

who get up early in the morning, while those who stay up late wake up happily
in the morning.

the bad news for those who stay up late is that people who are accustomed to
sleeping and waking up early are healthier and better off in professional life.

was revealed in a new study

staying up late night

the study, published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Finnish scientists used data from a 1966 study.

study of people born in 1966 in northern Finland is still ongoing, involving
more than 12,000 people, of whom 50% are women and 50% are men.

the study participants turned 46, they were asked to provide details about
various aspects of life, including sleep, overall health, and occupational

looking at this data, people were divided into groups waking up early (M-type
group) or sleeping late at night (e-type group) or between the two.

researchers found that most men belonged to the M-type (46%) or middle group
(44%) and that the number of those who stayed up late was 10%.

statistics for women were very similar, with 44% belonging to the M group, 44%
to the middle group, and 12% to the E group.

these groups were compared, it was discovered that those who slept late were
worse than those who woke up in the morning in most aspects of life.

less sleep, they are more likely to be unemployed because they have poor
ability to work.

before that, a link between waking up late at night and being able to stay
healthy and work has been discovered, and this new research reinforces previous

has shown that people who wake up late do not perform much better in offices
than those who wake up early, while one in four suffers from office problems.

suggest that those who stay up late should plan their work schedule so that
they can be in good health and perform well.

may not know but there are 2 types of human beings. One wakes up early in the
morning and the other wakes up late at night and this is a result of the
physical clock.

is the part of the brain based on 20,000 nerve cells that set the body’s schedule
throughout the day. That is, it regulates every system, from hormone levels to
digesting food, and of course, sleep.

who wake up early in the morning start feeling tired in the evening. However,
those who stay up late do not feel tired for a long time.

those who go to bed early have a mental advantage over those who stay up late.

2013 study found that those who slept early and late had different brain
structures and that those who slept early had better white meter quality. This
helps the nerve cells to communicate.

can one change one’s sleep time? So the answer is that it is possible to some

body clock changes with age, children wake up in the morning, it is difficult
for young people to get out of bed before noon, but with age, it becomes easier
for people to get up early in the morning.

sleep schedules can be used to change the body clock schedule.

the way, in a study, scientists discovered that a gene determines whether
people stay up late at night, get up in the morning or stay between the two.


appears a formerly unrecognized risk factor for poor WA (workability) and early
disability. We suggest that individual chronotypes be considered in attempts to
lengthen work careers.