    you suffer from a common cold, flu, or cold? 

    To learn how to identify the

    is the difference between a cold, the flu, and COVID-19?

    a sore throat, runny nose, and muscle aches? So it could be the result of a
    common cold, flu, or even a case of COVID.

    symptoms of these three diseases are similar and because of this, it is very
    difficult to differentiate between them.

    to the executive director of the Detroit Health Department, the evidence
    suggests that people who get vaccinated are more likely to get the disease if
    they are infected with different types of Coronavirus. 


    What’s the difference between a cold, the flu, seasonal

    important to remember that a vaccine strengthens the immune system, which helps
    the immune system identify, target, and eliminate viruses, so it’s
    understandable,” he said. . The severity of COVID symptoms is now milder
    in people who have been vaccinated.

    this does not mean that the disease should not be taken seriously, because now
    if a small number of people are sicker then that small number will be much more

    to a doctor at Children’s National Hospital, most cases of COVID-19 appear to
    be similar to the common cold or flu, and the best way to find out the truth is
    to get tested.

    said that in case of a lack of tests, it would be very difficult to
    differentiate between the three diseases.

    How to make a difference?

    early symptoms of the common cold, flu, and COVID-19 are similar, said the
    executive director of the Detroit Health Department.

    to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, both COVID and flu can
    cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, body aches, sore throat, difficulty
    breathing, vomiting, or cholera.

    But COVID-19
    can be identified because the headache and dry cough are often the same
    symptoms in an infected person.

    to Dr. Abdul Saeed, executive director of the Detroit Health Department, loss
    of sense of smell and taste is also the biggest warning sign of COVID-19, but
    it is less common in people infected with new strains of the virus.

    warned that people who feel severe chest pain, especially dry cough, should
    seek medical help.

    suggested that the most important thing is to ask yourself if any of the above
    symptoms appear or to check that none of the people we have come in contact with
    within recent days have been infected with the COVID-19. It is also a good idea
    to isolate yourself and get tested.

    fact, he said, even if the symptoms do not appear, it is better to be cautious
    if someone around you is diagnosed with COVID-19.

    to take a COVID-19 test?

    is a good idea to get tested if there is any suspicion of COVID and according
    to Dr. Abdul Saeed if the symptoms are felt when considering the prevalence of
    omicron it is better to get tested instead of waiting.

    added that if you have met with a COVID patient and you are close enough to him/her
    but are not feeling the symptoms, it is likely that the virus may not be
    present in the body in such an amount as which could appear in the rapid test.
    In that case, it is better to wait for 5 days.

    said that a negative test does not mean that you are not affected by the COVID-19,
    the best way is to repeat the test 12 to 24 hours after a test.

    it’s COVID-19, flu, or the common cold, it’s best to isolate yourself while
    fighting a viral illness, so that your loved ones don’t get infected with COVID-19,”
    he said. 

    Source: CNN News