Few Ways can Cause Arthritis 

    you suffer from joint pain? If so, you are not alone. Most people in the fourth
    and fifth decades of life suffer from this condition.

    pain is very painful and is considered to be the root cause of all diseases that
    can affect people of any age.

    fact, with age, the bones begin to weaken, which can lead to joint pain. 

    joint pain arthritis

    disease is usually caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This uric
    acid is excreted as a result of bodily processes and is usually dissolved in
    the blood and excreted in the urine through the kidneys, but when the body
    begins to produce large amounts of it, the kidneys fail to get rid of it.

    As a
    result, it starts to form crystals in the joints which causes pain in the

    did you know that even a few simple lifestyle habits can make you suffer from

    The Few
    Ways You May Be Hurting Your Joints

    body weight

    joints connect the bones, which is why they are sensitive to heavy loads. Every
    400 grams of body weight increases the pressure in the knees by four times. In
    the same way, the pressure on the back, hips, and legs also increases, which
    results in discomfort, loss, and pain. Excess body weight also triggers
    swelling which results in stiffness, discomfort, and swelling of the joints.

    use of mobile

    many text messages, typing text messages on devices is very common nowadays,
    but doing too much of it can damage finger joints. Similarly, looking at the
    phone with the head tilted is detrimental to the neck and shoulders, every inch
    increase in the tilt of the head increases the pressure on the muscles.

    wearing high heels

    heels can enhance a woman’s beauty, but the higher the height of the shoe, the
    harder it is for the thigh muscles to keep the knees straight, resulting in
    discomfort. Experts believe that the daily use of high heels increases the risk
    of osteoporosis.


    is a very common habit and it does not cause joint problems but it is better to
    get rid of this habit. One study found that the habit can cause swelling of the
    hands and weakening of the grip.

    a heavy bag

    it’s a purse, backpack, or passenger bag, too much of it can cause neck and
    shoulder pain. If you carry these bags on only one part of the body, the
    muscles get stretched too much and the pressure on the joints increases. If you
    do this every day, your body will send you a message through joint pain.

    of muscles for work

    you put too much weight on small muscles, couples have to pay the price. If you
    are opening a heavy door, push it with your shoulders instead of your fingers. If
    you are lifting heavy objects off the floor, first bend your knees and get up
    through the strong muscles of your legs.

    on your stomach

    in this way may help reduce the problem of snoring but the body does not get
    much rest. Lying on your stomach causes the spine to contract, the head to stay
    in one direction for long periods, and this increases the pressure on all other
    joints and muscles.

    from scratching

    if you don’t like yoga, regular scratching helps strengthen muscles and
    tendons. It also makes them more flexible, which makes it easier for joints to
    move and improves muscle function, which is the key to a healthy and stable


    the age of 40, the health of the bones begins to suffer and they become
    slightly thinner and can break more easily. But weight training slows down bone
    loss and stimulates new growth.


    joints of the body will be grateful to you for giving up the habit of smoking. The
    nicotine in cigarettes slows down the blood flow to the bones and harms the
    spinal cord. Smoking limits the amount of calcium that keeps bones strong and
    also affects the amount of estrogen which is an important hormone for bone
    health. All of these joints are weak and the risk of hip fractures increases
    with age.

    of sleep

    may be wondering how sleep deprivation can affect joints and muscles, but one
    study found that people with arthritis experience more discomfort after
    sleepless nights. One idea is that lack of sleep triggers inflammation in the
    body and can lead to joint problems on a long-term basis. More research is
    needed, but there is no harm in getting a good night’s sleep.

    Wrong-way of sitting and walking

    style is very important in this regard, if the shoulders and head are tilted
    forward after sitting on the chair, the pressure on the muscles and joints
    increases while they become tired. So keep your back straight and avoid bending
    your shoulders.

    joint pain You need more energy when you exercise. Of course, exercising causes
    swelling and pain that is considered normal, but it is not uncommon for this
    problem to persist for several days or if the muscles become very swollen. If
    joint pain is not common then you should pay attention to it. If you feel that
    you have exercised too much then reduce it. If the pain does not go away,
    consult a doctor.

    too much time in front of the computer

    can cause pain in the neck, elbows, wrists, back, and shoulders. This is not
    only a problem of sitting wrong but also a result of sitting in the same
    position for too long. As a result, the muscles have to work harder, the
    pressure on the lumbar discs increases, it is better to get up and walk for a
    few minutes every hour. Constant sitting in front of the computer is harmful to
    your joints.

    it a habit to do simple exercises to keep your joints active. Drink four cups
    of green tea daily. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of turmeric on your spoon and eat
    it daily. Sit in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes daily. Walk barefoot in the open
    air. Use capsules made from fish oil.

    food for arthritis patients

    not use gastric-producing foods like potato, cabbage, yam, peas, eggplant,
    lentils, liver, pies, beef, lentils, very cold water and rice, etc. for joint
    pain patients. It means excessive use of such food above.