Best features of Google Maps 

    Avoiding traffic or finding a way to get somewhere, and even if you do not
    get parking at the destination, the mind gets irritated. Fortunately, the
    Google Maps app is the solution to all of these problems, providing users with
    a wide range of services. However, it also has some features that very few
    people know about, meaning you may be familiar with Google Maps and have saved
    addresses such as work and home, so you can navigate to these places with one


    Take where you often have to go. Learn about some of the features that
    are present in Google Maps but most people are not aware of them. If you need
    access to Google Maps but are in or out of a place where an Internet connection
    is not available or the quality is poor, you can download Google Maps for
    offline use. To download Google Maps, open the app and click on the profile
    icon. There will be a menu with an offline maps option. Clicking on it will
    allow you to download the mapping area of ​​the area of ​​your choice. Once
    done, you can use it whenever you want, even if you do not have an internet
    connection, and yes you can download maps of many places like this. 

    Better Restaurant Recommendations: 

    If you are looking for a place to eat,
    it can be very difficult to find it in a large number of restaurants. Nevertheless,
    Google Maps is also helpful in this regard and for this purpose open the app
    and click on the profile icon. Then go to the Settings option and click on
    Orange and Reference which will be below, then click on Filters on the Dietary
    option then select the food of your choice and that is it. Once you have chosen
    the food of your choice, Google will suggest restaurants accordingly. 

    Time Reminder: 

    Google Maps can help remind you if you want to go somewhere
    at a specific time. Once you have typed the destination on Google Maps, click
    on the three-dot in the upper right corner, where you can do so on the options
    set a reminder tool. 

    Try incognito mode: 

    If you do not want Google Maps to remember where you are,
    use incognito mode. To use it, click on your profile picture in the app and
    select incognito mode there. You can also turn off incognito mode. 

    Time Travel: 

    Most of the desktop users of Google Maps use Street View
    imagery data and can also do time travel. However, a specific location can be
    seen in different periods. To use it, drag the tiny money tug to the bottom
    right corner and enter Street View, and at the top left corner will be a black
    box with a drop-down menu. By clicking on it you can see what a place was like
    in the past. 

    Use without hands: 

    Google Maps can also be used with Google Assistant. With
    Google Command, almost everything can be done without hands-on Maps on Android

    Learn to zoom with one finger: 

    This is a feature that many people are not
    aware of, with which it is possible to zoom in and out of the Google Map area
    with just one finger. To do this, double-tap on the display to zoom in and
    place your finger on the screen. It can then be zoomed in by moving the finger. 

    Distance between locations: 

    If you want to know the
    distance between two locations instantly, open the app and pin one of the
    locations. After that, you will see a set from the label Measure distance in
    front of you. By clicking on it you can select another location through the
    head on the screen. Doing so will automatically reveal the distance between the
    two locations.