International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 3rd  2023  

On December 3rd, people with disabilities
around the world, including Pakistan, are celebrating International Day of
Persons with Disabilities
. Observing this day aims to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in various fields. 

Health and well-being are among the great blessings of
Allah. To understand life’s challenges, we should ask those living
with some form of physical disability. Today, International Day of Persons with
is being celebrated globally to express unity with people with

disability day

United Nations Commencement of International Day of
Persons with Disabilities 

The commencement of International Day of Persons with
dates back to 1992 when the United Nations passed a resolution for
the rights of persons with disabilities. The goal of observing this day at the
global level is to promote unity with people with disabilities and prevent them
from feeling marginalized in any way, integrating them into the mainstream of

According to the United Nations, there are approximately
650 million people with disabilities worldwide. This number constitutes 10% of
the total population, meaning that one in every ten individuals has a

Currently, nearly 200 million newborn babies worldwide
are born with disabilities due to various reasons, including maternal health
issues. The United Nations states that 80% of people with disabilities reside
in developing countries where they often lack access to basic facilities. These
individuals face challenges in acquiring education and opportunities for
advancement, similar to the general population. 

In contrast, in developed countries, 20% of people with
disabilities are provided with various facilities, and their healthcare and
treatment are the responsibility of the government. 

Purpose and Awareness of Celebrating Day for Persons with

Today’s celebration aims to emphasize
that, beyond color, race, and ethnicity, we should all play a proactive role in
the well-being of individuals with disabilities, both on an individual and
societal level. 

People with disabilities have excelled in every field
worldwide, proving that with support and cooperation, they can lead fulfilling
lives just like everyone else. 
Today’s celebration also aims to make a commitment,
transcending color, race, and ethnicity, that we will play a full part in the
well-being of individuals with disabilities. 

December 3: International Day of Persons with

Throughout life, every person encounters temporary or
permanent disabilities at some point. It is essential to integrate disability
into the healthcare system at every level, particularly within the framework of
health services. Worldwide, about 15% of the population is affected by
disability, which includes approximately 190 million individuals aged 15 or
older, constituting 3.8% of people with disabilities. 

under five who require some form of support,
as will their families 


aged 5-14 who require some form of special education 


people up to the age of 29 will need further education,
training, and employment opportunities 


Adults require other welfare support and assistance 


senior citizens need more special facilities.


Events, Rallies, and Seminars will be held on 3rd

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is
observed on December 3rd each year to promote awareness and mobilize support
for the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. Various events and
activities are held on this day to raise awareness, celebrate achievements, and
advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities. Here are some common
events and activities that take place on this day: 

Seminars and Conferences: Many countries organize
seminars, conferences, and workshops that focus on disability-related issues.
Experts, policymakers, and activists often participate to discuss challenges
and potential solutions. 

Awareness Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns are
conducted to educate people about the rights, needs, and contributions of
individuals with disabilities. These campaigns often use various media
platforms to reach a wide audience. 

Art Exhibitions and Competitions: Art exhibitions
featuring work by disabled artists are organized to showcase their talents. Art
competitions and exhibitions may also be held to encourage creative expression. 

Sports Events: Adaptive sports events and competitions
are organized to highlight the achievements of athletes with disabilities and
promote the importance of inclusive sports. 

Community Workshops: Workshops and training sessions may
be organized to educate communities on inclusivity, accessibility, and how to
support individuals with disabilities. 

Film Screenings: Screenings of documentaries and films
focusing on disability-related themes are held to raise awareness and promote

Accessibility Audits: Some organizations and institutions
use this day to conduct accessibility audits and assessments to identify areas
where improvements are needed to make spaces more inclusive. 

Award Ceremonies: Awards recognizing the contributions of
individuals and organizations to the disability community may be presented
during special ceremonies. 

Fundraising Events: Non-profit organizations often use
this day to raise funds for disability-related causes and projects. 

Government Initiatives: Governments may use this day to
announce new policies, initiatives, or legislation aimed at improving the lives
of people with disabilities. 

Public Demonstrations and Advocacy: Some disability
advocacy groups and activists may organize public demonstrations, marches, or
rallies to draw attention to specific issues and advocate for disability

Online Campaigns: Social media campaigns and online
events are increasingly common, allowing people to participate and show their
support for disability rights from anywhere in the world. 

world disabled day 2023

These events and activities aim to promote inclusivity,
raise awareness, and advocate for the rights and dignity of individuals with
disabilities while celebrating their achievements and contributions to society. 

On this occasion, various items crafted by persons with
disabilities were displayed. In some cities, individuals with disabilities also
organized protest rallies, and during these events, they presented their
messages through placards. 

Every December 3rd, as is customary, the International
Day of Persons with Disabilities is commemorated. Seminars will be held, where
efforts will be made to promise these individuals to become productive citizens
of society and ensure their rightful place within it. To express solidarity
with persons with disabilities, banners, posters, and play cards will be raised
by children during rallies. Furthermore, in these gatherings, prominent figures
will utter grand words of support, compassion, and love, making these
sentiments a prominent feature in the newspapers. 

Indeed, as we have mentioned before, just as there isn’t
a specific day for mothers or teachers, likewise, there shouldn’t be a
designated day for persons with disabilities. Advocacy for their rights should
be an ongoing effort, prioritized on a daily basis, at every opportunity, and
on all platforms, to address their issues adequately. 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is marked
through events, rallies, and seminars in various cities. Rallies and events
were held in different cities on the International Day of Persons with
Disabilities and the government was demanded to seriously implement the quota
on jobs. 

Addressing disabilities requires adopting various
approaches, including scientific, physical, communication, social, and
emotional approaches. To engage in all these processes, specialized education
is necessary. 

Physical disabilities encompass conditions such as
paralysis, deafness, blindness, emotional challenges, hearing impairments,
learning disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, and
intellectual disabilities, including conditions like autism. 

When treating individuals with disabilities, it’s
essential to involve them in decision-making, which facilitates their
treatment. Specialized transportation, toilets, and rooms should be available
for them to ease their mobility. During treatment, simple and easily
understandable language should be used, with the help of visuals if needed. 

In any group of disabled individuals, about half of them
have very low incomes, making them unable to afford travel expenses and the
purchase of medicines. Various measures can enhance the lives of people with
disabilities. Most importantly, it boosts their morale by ensuring their
physical well-being. Efforts should be made to simplify access to healthcare
facilities for all these individuals and establish an effective healthcare
system to address their issues. 

People with disabilities often feel marginalized due to
neglect, lack of cooperation, and limited access. It is imperative to work on
priority foundations every day, at every opportunity, on every platform to make
them competent citizens, establish their rightful place in society, and protect
their rights. Advanced countries provide social, economic, and government
support to individuals with disabilities. 

We don’t claim that Pakistan is in a dire state, but
there is still a need for sincere efforts here to help individuals with
disabilities shine as special stars and illuminate the name of our country on
the global stage. 

However, in comparison to developed countries, Pakistan
announces budgets of millions for the education of disabled children. Yet,
government schools are often deprived of all these facilities, making it
challenging for disabled children to cultivate a passion for learning. A
significant number of disabled children cannot even attend school because their
classrooms are usually located on the first or second floor, making it
difficult for them to climb stairs. Unlike other countries, Pakistan generally
lacks such facilities on government transport and recreational venues for
disabled individuals. 

In Pakistan, 80% of disabled children are denied
education due to the absence of appropriate facilities. In fact, there is no
government department in the country specifically working for the rights of
disabled individuals. We need to work diligently to educate and empower them,
making their lives easier. When we look beyond government initiatives, there is
a lack of awareness in society about how households, relatives, friends, and
communities should behave towards these children. 

If we
believe that disabled individuals have no knowledge and do not feel anything,
our perspective is incorrect. People’s behavior towards them during their
upbringing in society has profound effects on their lives and development.
Therefore, from childhood, we should strive to understand them and raise them
according to their understanding and needs. 

statistical data of disabilities