Summary of Quran Chapter 77 Surah Al-Mursalat Those Sent Forth

Surah Al-Mursalat is the seventy-seventh chapter of the Quran and the last of the Thirtieth Section. In terms of thematic connections, it is related to Surah An-Naba (The News or The Announcement). Both chapters share deep similarities in style and arrangement of verses.

Sura Al-Mursalat consists of fifty verses. The first rak’ah (unit of prayer) contains forty verses, while the second rak’ah contains ten verses. Surah An-Naba consists of forty verses, with the first rak’ah containing thirty verses, and like Surah Al-Mursalat, its second rak’ah also contains ten verses. The beginning of this chapter repeatedly mentions oaths, distinguishing them in a particular manner. With this distinctive style, it is the third chapter of the Quran.

Before this, we have studied chapters that similarly begin with repeated oaths, namely Surah As-Saffat (Those ranged in ranks) and Surah Adh-Dhariyat (The winds at scatter). The meaning of the oaths at the beginning of Surah As-Saffat is quite clear, as they describe the characteristics of angels.

Similarly, there is a consensus among commentators regarding the meaning of the oaths in Surah Adh-Dhariyat, which refers to winds. However, regarding the oaths in Surah Al-Mursalat, commentators have different opinions. Some interpret them to refer to winds, while others believe they mention angels. 

surah al-mursalat

Surah Al-Mursalat Hadith

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said, narrating from his mother (one of the narrators) Abu Bakr bin Abu Shaibah said:

(She was) Lubabah” that she heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) reciting ‘By the winds sent forth one after another…’[Al-Mursalat (77)] in the Maghrib.

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 831

In-book reference: Book 5, Hadith 29

English translation: Vol. 1, Book 5, Hadith 831


Surah Al-Mursalat (The Emissaries) Chapter 77 describes a scene of the Day of Judgment, emphasizing the inevitability and severity of divine punishment for those who deny the truth and refuse to believe in the message of Allah’s messengers. The chapter begins with a description of various phenomena in nature, such as winds and clouds, as signs of Allah’s power and mercy. It then transitions to the Day of Judgment, depicting the chaos and terror that will engulf disbelievers as they face their ultimate reckoning.

The chapter emphasizes the importance of reflecting on the signs of Allah in nature and recognizing His sovereignty over all creation. It warns against arrogance and disbelief, urging people to heed the message of the messengers before it is too late. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder of the consequences of rejecting faith and disobeying Allah’s commandments.