
humiliation is possibly the major challenge that modern society will ever face.
Much has been made of Pakistan’s current and future energy shortages, and
rightly so. We have a severe setback, mostly of our own doing, and there is an
urgent requirement to make sagacity of the circumstances and then carry out the
long and difficult charge of envisaging a sustainable long-term future.
Unfortunately, however, the predominant mode of thinking about this most urgent
of problems reinforces the crisis.


the modern age, human beings have applauded themselves on the (science-induced)
technological rise that has permissible us to make a massive pace in all
spheres of material life. Social change has been ever-present since the initial
human arrangement but the transformations that have described what we identify
modernization have been of an unmatched scale.

lives we lead today were narrowly conceivable a century ago. Today’s older
generation discover it tough to make sense of the thought of electronic mail,
and more commonly the concept of a digital world. Intellectual of innovation
has long been warning us, however, that not all that glitters is gold. Malthus
and Marx, for example, offered contrasting narratives on the fallouts of modern
social organization.

following in the same civilization have made on those determining approaching
and revealed that we have until now to get answers to the disturbing questions
of how human society is to handle its expansion and deal with its resources

of Natural Resources:

recent decades, the subject matter of how to sustainably use natural resources
has become one of the most well-known predicaments facing humankind. Indeed,
environmental humiliation is possibly the major confront that modern society
will ever face — finding a balance between human aspiration and the natural
resource stand that provides life to us is, actually, the very key to the
long-term endurance of life on this earth as we are familiar with it.

the stable raise in discussion and escalating policy conversation on the
environment at an international level, the political economy of in fact
existing capitalism is merely incompatible with the sort of eco-systemic
modification that requires to occur if we are solemn about overturning the
descending fall. partially, the difficulty relates to the balance of power in
the world-system: while environmental protection has become a forceful cause

large numbers of people in the so-called highly developed countries, capitalist
activity is very relaxed in the fact that environmentally indefensible
practices can be transferred into the third world space where there are far
less inquiry and resistance to such practices.

as huge, a dilemma is the incapability and reluctance of our intellectual and political
leaders to take on the challenge of making a new progress example that goes
beyond the already failed model currently on display.

Energy Utilization:

the 1970s-80s, nuclear energy was the major performance in the settlement. Over
time, however, it has become clear to a wide cross-section of people that the
nuclear choice is burdened with setbacks. This is not to state that one is not
revolted by the double standards of the so-called advanced countries when they
lord over countries such as Iran and North Korea for implementing their
sovereign right to build up nuclear energy capacity.

when one imagines beyond the maltreatment strategy of the ‘leaders of the free
world’ it becomes obvious that nuclear energy cannot be a long-term way out to
the sustainability difficulty. Pakistan under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and then
Zia-ul-Haq had simulation to obtain nuclear energy but such diplomacy is now
dead in the water, even while the considerably more ridiculous nuclear weapons
agenda remains greatly integral.

Use of Energy Sources:

more recent times, we public have been informed that we will have two major
energy alternatives in the future. The first is minimally a slighter evil
compared to the current plan of importing oil, namely to import gas from Iran.
The second is projected as emancipative or setting free in no further as it
pledges to free us — at least to some extent — from the saddle of energy
imports; I am referring to the anticipated Thar coal project. safe profound in
the Sindh desert is, in fact, some of the world’s biggest known reserves of
coal; in a dig, up this coal, we will seemingly safe a sustainable energy
source for coming decades.

in case we overlook one of the most important programs of the global
environment controversy is the control of carbon release. Besides, coal is one
of the most, if not the most, unclean energy resources recognized to humankind.
It is factual that coal set down offers us some interval from the oppression of
the global market, but this does not signify that we have resolved the puzzle
of environmental sustainability.

trouble will simply become more sensitive. Eventually, we require acutely
examining renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Acknowledging,
the research and development expenses are high but are still convenient if we
redirect the huge quantity of money that currently goes towards defense and
debt servicing towards meeting people’s (long-term) requirements.

about Alternative Source of Energy, Power:

the same time, we require to consider incredibly profoundly about the
dissimilarity between human desires and needs. 21st-century society is
fanatical with material things, and our hastily mounting population of young
people is moderately seriously badly affected by this ailment.

I do
not accept as true it is possible to sustain the legend of unlimited
expenditure of relaxation goods and services, regardless of what the ideologues
of capitalism assert. If the environmental challenge is, on the one hand about
recognize and investing in non-renewable sources of energy then, on the other
hand, it is about redefining what progress denotes.


of these difficult questions can only be answered within the structure of
holistic, sanctity cultural-political-economic arrangements. The purpose of
such an order must be almost absolutely contrasting to the raison d’être (the
reason for existence) of capitalism. However, individuals like us still call
this dream of better world socialism.

even those who remain intolerably antagonistic to the mention of socialism will
agree that basic change is essential. Those who are reluctant to acknowledge
even this basic fact will be responsible for their future generations and the
globe that upholds and sustain them.