Tolerance Day
will be celebrated on November 16, with the commitment that we
will show tolerance in every field and issue. Tolerance is an attribute by
which a person emerges with the impression of a prominent and high personality.
The presence of these qualities in human beings plays a fundamental role in the
formation of strong nations.


world tolerance day

the International Day for Tolerance is being observed all over the world,
including Pakistan, to raise awareness about the negative effects of tolerance,
forbearance, respect, and intolerance in bilateral relations.

day, recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), was approved by the General Assembly on November 16,
1996, and was first observed in 2005.

if the Day:

  • Tolerance
    conferences and festivals are held each year around the world, the main purpose
    of which is to highlight the importance of respecting each other’s beliefs and
  • The
    purpose of celebrating this day is to revive the power of patience in the
    people and to eradicate patriarchal hatred.
  • Human
    rights organizations will also highlight the need to prevent and punish
    discrimination and hatred against minorities.
  • World Tolerance
    is also aimed at teaching them to respect the beliefs and rights of others.
  • It
    is because of intolerance that corruption, social exploitation, and lawlessness
    are rampant in society.
  • It
    is intolerance that today’s man is becoming a victim of anxiety, haste,
    jealousy, inferiority complex, and depression.
  • This
    is the cause of intolerance, the consequences of which we are suffering today
    in the form of terrorism.
  • To
    create an element of peace in life, it is necessary to create a substance of
    endurance within oneself.