Summary of “Introduction to Islam” by Dr.
Muhammad Hamidullah 

Main Topic 

Introduction to Islam” by Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah
is a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles, beliefs,
practices, and historical context of Islam. 

Introduction to Islam

Key Ideas and Arguments 

Beliefs and Practices: 

The book explains the core beliefs
of Islam, including the belief in the oneness of God (Tawhid), the Prophethood
of Muhammad, and the Day of Judgment. It delves into the Five Pillars of Islam
and the Six Articles of Faith. 

Historical Context: 

Dr. Hamidullah provides historical
background, discussing the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, the early
Muslim community, and the expansion of Islam. 

Islamic Law and Ethics: 

The book covers Islamic
jurisprudence (Fiqh) and ethics, addressing areas such as family law, economic
principles, and social justice. 

Interfaith Relations: 

Dr. Hamidullah highlights the
importance of peaceful coexistence and dialogue among different religious

Chapters and Sections 

  • The Concept of God in Islam: Explores the Islamic
    understanding of monotheism and the attributes of God. 
  • The Prophet Muhammad: Discusses the life, character, and
    mission of Prophet Muhammad. 
  • The Quran and Its Sciences: Introduces the Quran’s
    revelation, structure, and interpretation. 
  • The Muslim Community and Its History: Covers the early
    Muslim community, the Caliphate, and Islamic civilization. 
  • The Pillars of Islam: Details the Five Pillars, including
    the declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage. 
  • The Beliefs: Iman (faith) and Kufr (disbelief,
    infidelity): Explores the Six Articles of Faith and the concept of disbelief.

 Islamic Law: 

Discusses Islamic jurisprudence, ethical
principles, and family law. 

Islamic Economy: 

Introduces economic principles in Islam,
including charity, trade, and usury. 

Other Aspects of Islam: 

Touches on Islamic art, architecture,
science, and interfaith relations. 

Key Takeaways and Conclusions 

Islam’s foundation lies in monotheism, Prophethood, and
accountability in the afterlife. 

The Quran is central to Islamic teachings, emphasizing
ethical behavior, justice, and compassion. 

Islamic law encompasses both religious and social aspects
of life. 

The book encourages interfaith dialogue and harmonious

Author’s Background 

Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah (1908–2002) was a prominent
Islamic scholar, linguist, and jurist. He held a Ph.D. in International Law and
Islamic Studies and was a respected authority on Islamic history and

Comparison to Other Books 

Compared to other introductory books on Islam,
Hamidullah’s work stands out for its comprehensive coverage of Islamic
principles, historical context, and legal aspects. 

Target Audience 

The book is intended for readers seeking a thorough
understanding of Islam’s core principles, whether they are new to the topic or
seeking a deeper insight. 

Reception and Critical Response 

“Introduction to Islam” has been well received
for its clarity, depth, and balanced approach to presenting Islamic concepts.
It has been used as a reference in academic and religious circles. 

Publisher and First Published Date 

Published by Dar Al-Andalus in 1977. 


For those interested in further exploring Islam, consider

“The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for
Humanity” by Seyyed Hossein Nasr 

“Islam: A Short History” by Karen Armstrong 

Biggest Takeaway 

to Islam” provides a comprehensive understanding of Islam’s core beliefs,
historical context, and ethical principles, offering readers a thorough
foundation in the religion’s key aspects.