the waves of revolution in Islamic countries. 
All these riots are the new technique of anti-Islamist or are the result
of the injustices of Islamic countries heads of the Islamic countries. The
matter whatever it is, but I wonder when the riots start a revolution in the
country, the leaders of other countries should help that country. But Security
Council has put a variety of sanctions on these countries to call an emergency
meeting so they added a ban on countries where the people are already suffering
in pain; it is a somewhat funny and strange activity with the lives of people.
There is a need for justice in such circumstances. So those people out of their
terrible situation. 

uprisings revolutionary

such riots circumstances economic growth stops and due to these unreasonable
situations there is a shortage of basic goods in the region. Many people like
them because of circumstances faced many difficulties. Children, drinking milk
babies, old people, and small children are including many sick people. In such
a situation there is a shortage of food, medicines, life-saving drugs, and many
other basic life requirements. In such a condition we should help them they
need assistance, not sanctions.

Security Council Responsibility:

UN Security Council’s responsibilities may include: The United Nations Security
Council (
UNSC) is one of the most important organs of the United Nations and is
charged with the safeguarding of international peace and security. Its
authority, power summarize in the United Nations Charter, include the
establishment of peacekeeping operations.