Day Against Child Labor June 12


children from child labor, now more than ever

Day for the Elimination of Child Labor is being celebrated around the world.
The purpose of celebrating this day is to save teenagers from the hardships of
hard work, to show them the way to school and to help them become useful
citizens of the society. 

of the day 

the occasion of International Day Against Child Labor, seminars, talks, walks,
and events will be organized by children’s rights associations, schools,
colleges, youth organizations, media, women’s organizations, and social
organizations. Experts will give lectures on the situation created by child

world child labor day June 12

of World Day Against Child labor 

Day Against Child Labor
was founded in 2002 by the International Labor
Organization. According to a report, millions of children around the world are
forced to work due to domestic conditions. The victims of child labor are
between the ages of 5 and 15. Many of these children come from poor families
where they do not have access to education and adequate food. 

to the World Labor Organization, the majority of children in the category of
child labor are found in carpet weaving, making bangles, making surgical
instruments, picking rubbish, dyeing leather, and working at home. 

from poor families are also deprived of basic amenities like education, health,
clean water, and adequate food. At the age when children should have toys and
books in their hands, they have been provided with labor tools. 


urge the people to support the parents of the children for their education,
health, and nutrition instead of taking hard work from them. So that they can
play a positive role in the future. 

my question to the leaders of all the governments of the world, and especially
to the current ruler, is that on the one hand, a budget of billions of rupees
is being presented in Pakistan, on the other hand, millions of children in all
over the world especially in Asian countries and also in Pakistan are forced to
work. What is the use of issuing so many notifications regarding child labor
and celebrating International Children’s Day when their implementation is zero?