is World Blood Donor Day 14 June 2020. The use of blood and blood components is of
fundamental importance in saving human lives. While timely blood transfusions
can save lives, it is also important that blood is fully screened. Non-screened
blood can infect the human body with a variety of diseases.

Blood Donor Day
is one of the eight (08) days celebrated annually by the WHO.
The purpose of World Blood Donor Day is to create awareness among the people
about blood donation. This day, first observed in 2004, commemorates the birth
of Nobel Prize-winning scientist Karl Landsteiner (June 14, 1868). A, B, O
discovered the blood grouping system, which led to Reuben Ottenberg’s first
blood transfusion experiment at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York in 1907,
following the success of this experiment. It was possible to save the lives of
many patients. 

world blood donor day 2020

purpose of this day is to encourage blood donors to save lives by donating
blood free of charge, as well as to emphasize the importance of providing
healthy blood and blood supply to save the lives of other human beings.
Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.

with medical malpractice, trauma cases, traffic accidents, anemic women and
children, cancer patients, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, and
other diseases require blood transfusions and blood transfusions. Donating
blood is the duty of every patriotic citizen.

World Health Organization, Department of Health, Pakistan Medical Association,
Blood Donors Association, thalassemia Blood Donation Centers, and other related
organizations will also run a campaign to collect blood donations at
educational institutions, large factories, and public places.

donation, support of life, save lives by donating blood, brighten the faces of
the dead, today is the day of blood donation being celebrated all over the
world including Pakistan. Blood donors say their only goal is to save lives.


should always be made aware that there is no harm in donating blood to a
healthy person, people should be made to realize that buying blood does not
cause any harm to the patient instead of any benefit. Every healthy person can
donate blood after three months. medical experts said that blood donation is
beneficial for human health, however, it is necessary to meet certain limits
and restrictions of time, age, and current situation. According to scientific
research, it is a natural process to get rid of red blood cells within 90 to
120 days. ) Then why not donate it so that precious human lives can be saved.