Day of Persons with Disabilities December 3 United Nations 2022

In 2022, the theme for the
International Day of Persons with Disabilities is ‘Not All Disabilities are

What is the theme for International Day of Disabled Persons 2022 

The theme this year is “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world“ 

Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated on December 3, all over
the world including in Pakistan. The purpose of commemorating this day is to
raise public awareness of the issues, of equal rights, and welfare and express
solidarity with people with disabilities in all sectors of society, promote
their rights and welfare, highlight the problems faced by them worldwide,
emphasize their usefulness, and empower them in any way and having respect for
persons with disabilities.

UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities 

The United Nations General Assembly declared 1981 as
the International Year of Persons with Disabilities, while the decade from 1983
to 1992 was celebrated as the Decade of Persons with Disabilities. According to
a report, currently, 15% of the world’s population is suffering from some form
of disability. 

disability day

are more women among them. If people with disabilities are trusted in their
abilities and given opportunities like other people, they can become active
members of society. Parents should pay special attention to the education and
facilities of mentally healthy disabled persons so that they can become valuable
members of the community. Special people are facing adverse conditions in life with
their determination, courage, and passion. The government should also take
concrete and positive steps to make disabled people useful citizens and solve
their problems. International Day of Persons with Disabilities gives
opportunities to become active individuals.

to Celebrate International Day of Disabled Persons 2022

of any organ or basic principle of physical health in the human body is called
disability. Disabilities are of three types (mental, communicative, and
physical) which can be congenital or accidental. The ability and capacity of
people with disabilities to perform daily routines are affected. Congenital or
accidental physical disability is a defect, injury, or defect in the body.

disability is often caused by childhood, while sometimes accidents and bitter
events in life also cause it. Loss of speech or hearing or complete absence of
this ability is called intellectual disability. Drug abuse, natural disasters,
traffic accidents, industrial accidents, wars, violence, terrorism, and suicide
bombings cause accidental disability. Sometimes even a minor disease becomes a
lifelong disease due to the non-availability of proper and timely treatment

is a need to provide maximum facilities to disabled persons at school, college,
and university levels to encourage them to study. A large number of children
with disabilities cannot go to school simply because their classrooms are on
the first or second floor and they have difficulty climbing stairs. Apart from
this, separate facilities should be provided to disabled people in hospitals,
offices, public transport, and entertainment places.

of Celebrating World Disability Day

purpose of celebrating this day is to express solidarity with people with
disabilities in all sectors of society, promote their rights and welfare,
highlight the problems faced by them worldwide, emphasize their usefulness, and
empower them in any way. It is to encourage people to live like normal people
by preventing them from feeling inferior.

is a lack of awareness in our society regarding making the lives of disabled
people easier through education or skills. At the same time, the behavior of
family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. with disabled children has
a very profound impact on their life and education. We should try to understand
them from childhood and bring them up according to their understanding.

Disabilities Day

on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, all
government agencies, public and private, should take a pledge to play a major
role in removing barriers faced by persons with disabilities and make them
accessible in all offices, workplaces, hospitals, and playgrounds. ,
electronics devices and markets will make accessible every aspect of life that
is directly related to disabled people. The auto industry makes vehicles
according to the lifestyle of these people so that they can use these vehicles
to live their daily lives better and more fully. Software houses provide all
the software for these people at a reasonable price so that they can easily use
the computer, laptop, or android mobile application. 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 2022 

our rural areas or where there is a lack of resources, most parents think it is
a punishment from God or a punishment for their sins. For this reason, parents
do not pay any special attention to these disabled people and these people are
living in a state of extreme poverty. In such a situation, it becomes the
responsibility of all the citizens to create awareness among the parents and
members of the society wherever they see such inhumane treatment and make them
understand that this is a way of life and is accessible to them. Support these
parents in creating an environment. And play an important role in dispelling
all these superstitions related to disability. 

International Day of People with Disabilities 

homes where persons with disabilities live, parents should ensure access to
potable water in their homes, ensure access to toilets and make the street
accessible to the community or community. . The day you make the surrounding
objects, paths, and things accessible, that day the disability of those people
will end. Go ahead! Pledge on the occasion of today that you will play your
full role in removing all the obstacles faced by disabled people and at the
same time keep repeating the demand of the government from time to time. So
that they continue to strictly implement the existing laws regarding the
accessibility of disabled people at the national level. 

is worth noting that the command to protect the rights of disabled people is
also in the Holy Quran and Islam has not placed any kind of financial burden on
disabled people. All over the world, this group has been given the name of
special people, so that their sense of deprivation can end, but it is not
enough to provide them with this name, they really need special measures
for them. Disabled people are the capital of the country, they can be made
valuable members of society by providing facilities. The biggest obstacle in
the rehabilitation of disabled people is the lack of legislation and clear
policy regarding them.


with disabilities have made their mark in every field of the world by defeating
disabilities with their hard work and dedication. They have proved with their
abilities that if they are provided with facilities and resources and
support, they can lead their lives like ordinary people. It is everyone’s
responsibility to take care of the fundamental rights of persons with
disabilities. Political, communal, social, and moral relations should be
maintained with them.

must be provided with employment and encouraged in every sphere of life. By
removing the social injustices faced by them, an environment should be provided
in which they do not feel inferior and can become useful and effective citizens
of society.

is the duty of the government to protect disabled persons from all kinds of
exploitation, discrimination, and ill-treatment in society, it is their right. There
should be a separate ministry for disabled persons.

people are the beauty of society and this beauty is impossible without our
support and understanding. Therefore, there is a need to take positive measures
to develop a passion for expressing sympathy, love, and compassion for disabled
people. The government, as well as many welfare organizations and society, have
to play a positive role in their rehabilitation so that they too can lead a
peaceful life. 

About Disability Awareness in Action 

Disability Awareness | Definition, Importance for Career, Ways 

The Importance of Disability Awareness: Home and School 

Disability Awareness: Information, Programs, and Event Dates 

What are the 4 factors relating to disability? 

Why is it important to raise awareness around disabilities? 

How can we encourage disabled people? 

What are the 3 types of disability? 

What are the two main causes of disability? 

What are the 7 types of disability? 

disability awareness month 

disability awareness activities 

disability awareness pdf 

disability awareness facts 

disability awareness week 

disability awareness training