Google Bringing Discover Feature to Desktops Soon 

The world’s largest internet search company, Google, is
soon going to introduce the Discover feature on desktops as well, similar to
mobile users. In the Discover feature, users don’t have to search for any
content; instead, the content appears automatically on the main page. This
feature was initially introduced for Google’s mobile users in 2018 and was
later expanded to all countries. 

google discover

Currently, when a user opens Google on mobile, under the
search engine, various viral news, weather updates, and links to other content
related to the Discour feature are visible. Now, Google will share updates on
the front page of the desktop for Discour feature users, including the latest
news on technology, current weather, and business trends. 

According to a report on the technology website Main
Power User, Google has started testing to introduce the Discover feature on
desktops, and it will soon be familiarized. The initial testing of the Discour
feature is reportedly taking place in India, and soon the experimental feature will
be extended to limited users in other countries. 

Google Likely to Introduce the Discover Feature on
the Desktop 

Referring to a Google spokesperson in the report, it is
mentioned that the translator of the internet search engine has verified that
the company is working to introduce the ‘Discour’ feature on desktops. After
the introduction of this feature, when desktop users open Google, they will see
multiple viral news, current weather, and business information on the first
page. This recent change in desktops is being considered a significant update
by Google.