political environment in Pakistan is quite warm these days, especially in Punjab.
Pakistan People’s Party claims that our current people and Pakistan problems
will be solved by us and the same assertion has been signified by ‘Pakistan
Muslim League N’, but both political parties in their claims are wrong to the
large extent because these two parties are held twice governments but
sufficient people know that both political parties will not solve public

pakistan politics

Point Agenda:

(N) offers a ten-point program that the government does not look serious to
take and if the role of opposition will not be done by Muslim League (N) then
they will be failed in the coming election. Now the Punjab government has
dismissed the cabinet. Punjab government has formally sent a letter to Punjab
Governor for approval. There are seven ministers of the ‘Pakistan People
Party’. Muslim League ‘N’ had claimed that they will never form a government
with Muslim League ‘Q’. It seems that everything and the current political
disturbance happening because of the Pakistan Tehreeq-e-Insaaf PTI chief ‘Imran
Khan’ is the cause of growing popularity in Punjab province.

in the existing situation, ‘Muslim League N’ is forming a joint government with
the ‘PML Q’- Unification Block. This means that give and take the form of
politics something back in the country’s politics will grow up. And the
country’s situation will be worst more. Muslim League ‘N’ has not been
activated by its representative in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Baluchistan. Because of this reason ‘Muslim League N’ and its representation is
losing popularity in these provinces. Due to these above reasons the ‘Muslim
League N’ desires that at least they should not lose its position in Punjab.
Because in terms of population, Punjab is Pakistan’s largest province. Sixty
percent of Pakistan’s area is composed of Punjab province.


this large size of area wants to achieve by ‘Muslim League N’. Muslim League
thinks that let the ‘People party’ enjoy the power at the centre and at least
we will rule in Punjab. I ask a question to the leaders of ‘Muslim League N’
whether they would work only for the welfare and prosper of Punjab or for all
rest of the people of this country?. This is a somewhat visible injustice to
the people of Pakistan. How long the country’s political parties will play with
the lives of poor and misfortune people.

of all these circumstances, people are themselves guilty. But to some extent
‘Pakistan Army’ is also responsible for these injustice situations of the
country. People and especially firstly army leaders will think that martial law
will not acceptable for a people and now people now claim that the military is
responsible for the country’s current conditions. No! I didn’t mean that the
purpose of my saying is that, Army should not break the state constitution, but
surely if the government does not adhere to the Constitution to implement the
army must ask the government and emphasize why the government is not following
the state constitution.

Armed Forces Key Responsibility:

integrity and protect lives and property is the primary responsibility of the army,
but the state Constitution is also included in the responsibility or
obligations of state army forces. The army should not intervene in the
country’s politics because it will adversely impact the image of the army. For
the complete solution of all problems faced by Pakistan, for all individuals of
society has come forward, by that way we all survive and save our ‘Islamic and
national identity for which we had liberated the country. Otherwise, no one in
Pakistan to stop the revolution as being occurred in other Islamic countries.”
Pakistan Long-Live”.