Ocean Day 8 June 2020 

is World Ocean Day, which aims to celebrate the sea and raise awareness of
the need to protect marine health. During World Oceans Day, people are
encouraged to learn about the ocean and to think about what the ocean means to
them, with the hope of preserving it for present and future generations. 

world ocean day theme 2020

World Ocean Day Theme

ocean is one of the most valuable resources on earth. It covers 71% of the
Earth’s surface and contains 97.% of our planet’s water. The oceans play a
vital role in regulating the earth’s climate. Many diverse and beautiful
creatures live in the ocean. The sea provides us with food, medicine, and many
other economic and recreational opportunities. Much of the ocean is
uninhabited. For all of these reasons, June 8 is World Maritime Day, which aims
to celebrate the sea and raise awareness of the need to protect marine health. 

Day Beginning 

are also urging people to wear blue on Saturdays to help raise awareness about
the ocean, and pledge to follow simple steps to pick up trash on your beach and
refill it. Drinking water from usable bottles can protect the ocean. 

world ocean day


to the United Nations Environment Program (UNDP), 80% of marine pollution is
caused by land sources, such as river pollution, polluted water from cities and

of Celebrating Ocean Day 

purpose of celebrating this day is to express the importance of the oceans for
its water, aquatic animals, and the environment connected to the sea. Raising
awareness among the people that marine pollution is a threat to humankind,
marine pollution such as water pollution should be called a campaign to reduce
it and for this purpose seminars, events, conferences, programs on TV all over
the world on this day. , Columns and articles are written in newspapers. 


day began in 1992 with a land conference in Rio de Janeiro. Celebrated every
year since 2008 under the auspices of the United Nations to raise awareness of
maritime security. Humans get 40% freshwater and more than 50% oxygen from the
sea. Water and oxygen depend on the life of all living beings. Oceanographers
also consider the vast oceans to be a priceless treasure trove of minerals. 

importance of the oceans for the human race is that they provide clean water,
oxygen, food, employment, mineral resources. The seas change the weather. It
was also said that marine pollution is harming human beings. Marine pollution
is being spread by humans and it is up to humans to reduce it.